it started off pretty well.
i managed to get rid off problems i had in 2007 mainly problems to do with my secondary school life.
i got closer to my sisters and they understood me more, i was happy for the first quarter in 2007 becos..
1) i had people who really cared for me.
2) despite a devil manager at work, i still had fun with my colleagues, esp mr hotstuff ( iym drooling just thinking of him)
then it was the day of the results,
my results was ouhkay but still did not get to go to poly,, but i was content with having to go to ITE cos it was plainly my fault for skipping lots of classes during my O level year.
i was the bitch, that everyone in school wanted to like and hate at the sametime and becos of all these fuckers, i learned to find solace with my sisters. i would have liked to bitch slap all those ppl in skool who made use of me for their own stupid tiny agenda. =) my hand would fall off if i were to do that ;D
April 2007
i was in ITE by then and found new frens
there is one person missing and that is SH. she wasnt in the puc in the day cos she was sick .
the six people her makes NAZUMYSHARUZNAD.
NANA : she likes to disturb me, has a sharp tongue and wit but i love her nonetheless, under her shell of sarcasm there is a very caring person underneath ( she doesnt like to show it, so people who dun know her in person may think she is very harsh, well if people think that way i will bitch slap them =) ).
AZURA : she is cute and she knows it, she also likes to disturb me, and when NANA and her tag team me, i will be in a whole lot of trouble but thank goodness i have patince beyond anything right now =), one more thing about this cute person is that she is very caring and i know how much she can care about someone who means something to her, like a friend for example.
MYRA : this person here, she likes to bubble her frens, and has let her depression control her so far =)
( i know iym describing myself negatively, cant help myself but it doesnt ,mean anything, just thought it would be more complete if i were too describe myself too =))
SHANAA : she is by far the most craziest one in the group, she ia also a bit rough in the way that she talks and she behaves, but despite that she is still a fragile human being.
NURUZ : the youngest in age in the group, she is quite a crybaby at times, i wunt be judging her cos thats the way she is,
P.S nuruz u better not cry this year over anything anymore ouhkay especially not over guys, later i will bitch slap u =) learn to feel the love around you aite.
NADHIRAH: a very firm person and i not scared to aythat she is the most matured in the group, a caring anf loving person.
these people showed me what true friends are supposed to be, they are there for you wen ur happy and sad.
they taught me to share my problems with them cos i am a very very private person and i like to do things on my own accord.
and then in october i found out i had depression, i had sleeping problems and a change in appetite due to it.
and i realised up till now i have been letting my depression control the littlest of decisions i make in my life.
November & December 2007
met this guy via my cousin, i was happy with him , no i thought i was happy with him but it was only my depression playing tricks on me.
now i dun know what is happening between us. and i have decided to forget about the dickhead who doesnt want to understand my problems. had a convo about it with my sis
sissie : dun wait anymore luh
me : i dun now wat to do luh
sissie : u wna know sumtink?? a bad habit of yours that i like sis.
me : wat isit??
sisiie : its that u used to not take crap from guys, when the they make one little mistake and when u deem it hurtful to you u will just forget about them just like that. maybe u shud start treating guys the way the want to be treated like u used too cos i felt that u were happier that way...
me : speechless but i just nodded my comprehension
so now i have decided to forget about him whether or not he wants to understand me. well maybe i cud stay single for the first or for the first two months of 2008.
thats basically the summary for my 2007.
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