i finally got around to watch Twilight, and i wasn't dissapointed, despite having read all the books. the excitement came because i finally see the book , which was beautifully written by Stephenie Meyer, come to life. it wasn't as good as the dreams i had of the book but just as satisfying. yeah, i had dreams because i was that much addicted to the whole saga. the storyline was captivating. i'm 100% sure i'll be dreaming of Edward Cullen tonight.
anyways, i'll give the movie 3.5/5 rating. only because i've read the book and i feel they could have done a better job casting certain people. the leads did an amazing job, especially Robert Pattinson. i like the dark humour used in the movie, and all the sarcastic remarks which were said during the length of the film.
i love the people casted as the Cullens with the exception of Bella. i'd love to be Alice Cullen since she can see into the future, i think that's so cool and she's so happy-go-lucky. Jasper was weird funny in the movie since he's the newest vegetarian. Rosalie hates Bella so much that it was actually quite enjoying to watch all that hatred on that perfect face. Emmett, he seemed so brotherly in the movie. i so wouldn't mind spending forever with them.
as for Edward Cullen's character, i'd say he's about the most perfect man i've read and watched about. guys should learn a thing or two from him.
i love the fact that he's respectful, the ultimate gentleman, knows how to compromise and learns how to put his ego out of the way in certain situations. and most of all how he loves Bella unconditionally. i came to this conclusion after reading all four books in the saga, not by just watching the first movie. yeah, i know i'm not being realistic regarding what exemplifies the perfect man but a girl can dream can't she.
i'd kill to have someone love me that way and have all the qualities mentioned above even if a little. the things i would do to have it forever.
my most favourite quote from the Twilight Franchise so far,
Edward Cullen: [to Bella] You are my life now.
*sighs* I'd give all the love in the world possible to the one meant for me, if he were to say that.
photos of babygirl nuruz and me, hee. i forgot to mention i watched the movie with her in my excitement.

p/s: i'll be dreaming of edward cullen always.
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