Monday, 22 December 2008

stupid mofos

matreps & minahreps, when will we be rid of them.

they are a pathetic excuse of the malay teen. they're the reason why i sometimes cherish the fact when a stranger mistakes me for a chinese. a moment of bliss i tell you. you would think that their elders would teach them a thing or two about anything before letting them loose on society. guess that never happened.

they think they are so superior. what would they know about hip hop fashion to criticize sister's fashion sense when they don't even know how to wear their caps properly, go join a circus laa if you want to learn how to balance your caps mofos.

in the first place have they even heard of pastry kicks? one of the most sought after kicks worn by the hip hop community? i didn't think so because they mistaken it for basketball shoes. they should just learn to keep their traps shut. as usual those morons were in a group that's why they dared to say those stupid things. i swear to you they wouldn't even dare to say such things if they were alone.

oh and the same goes to the minahreps. they are no diff than their male counterparts.

i'm only saying this cos i've been one of them, sampah masyarakat. well yeah they don't like it when people say that to them, so i know how it feels. being seen as rubbish didn't appeal to me after a long while so i got up and tried to wash it off. and i did.

when you finally asked me to call, you talk as if we didn't break up, i seriously don't know what to feel anymore. my heart is a war zone.

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