Sunday, 31 August 2008


so, i followed mother to GIANT first then to IKEA. at GIANT, mother bought a few stuffs for the coming Hari Raya. then we proceeded to IKEA to wait for bratqueen. put our stuff in the lockers provided and bought hotdogs and icecream, and waited for bratqueen to arrive.

it was my first time entering IKEA, soo, i was abit retarded in my reactions to everything that i deemed chique and cool. and there were alot of said things. we were supposed to be looking for new chairs for the dining table but since bratqueen and i were there, we sort of tried to cajole mother into buying things for OUR room. when in actual fact we were there at IKEA to find furniture and whatnots for the living room and kitchen. there were a lot of stuff, furnitures and knickncaks that could have been placed in our room. starting with two 3-seater sofas in diff colours, that would serve as our " beds ".

bratqueen and me were full of ideas as to how to maximise the space of our room and minimise the clutter we already have. since our room is square in shape. it makes for easy re-furnishing.

the things that we have in our room now are, the queen-sized bed, 4-door wardrobe, bookshelf, small tv shelf. round table and two chairs. not to mention all the clutter we have. like i've said in previous posts, sister dear is a bit of a packrat. there are still many, many, many things that she could have thrown away. the main idea before the re-furnishing, is to totally and seriously clean out our room. after that's settled then we both can start planning ideas on the refurnishment of our room.

basically the things that we don't need, is the queen-sized bed, the wardrobe namely because both take up too much space in the room, the tv shelf and the bookshelf. they will of course be replaced. and sister wants to paint the room green.

we've already sought out the things that will replace the furniture we don't need.

queen sized bed --> two 3- seater sofas in diff colors.
the huge wardrobe --> a chest of drawers( to store our everyday clothes ) and a smaller closet ( to store our going out clothes ).
tv shelf --> squarish coffee table
the other two items in our room now, still have no idea what to replace them with or just keep them.

ouh, sister took some pica while were at IKEA, proceed to her blog if you want to see them.

sayonara readers ")

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