Sunday, 10 August 2008

2nd day of the olympics and still waiting for the equestrian event.

i watched the Twilight Movie trailers on youtube just now, and damn, after seeing that im sure i want to go catch the movie which falls on the 12th of December 2008. however, before the movie releases here, i want to go read all the books in the series. and i mean all four books.

the final book in the series should be in stores this month, so im thinking of buying it. but i have to go buy the other books also just to complete the collection. borrowing it from the library is not a bad idea but i feel books like this are written to be read over and over again. thats why buying would be the best option. for now, i have to be content with being able to borrow it first. and since i have already paid my fines. i can go reserve it again. yeay!!

thats for now,
sayonara readers :)

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