so, i followed mother to GIANT first then to IKEA. at GIANT, mother bought a few stuffs for the coming Hari Raya. then we proceeded to IKEA to wait for bratqueen. put our stuff in the lockers provided and bought hotdogs and icecream, and waited for bratqueen to arrive.
it was my first time entering IKEA, soo, i was abit retarded in my reactions to everything that i deemed chique and cool. and there were alot of said things. we were supposed to be looking for new chairs for the dining table but since bratqueen and i were there, we sort of tried to cajole mother into buying things for OUR room. when in actual fact we were there at IKEA to find furniture and whatnots for the living room and kitchen. there were a lot of stuff, furnitures and knickncaks that could have been placed in our room. starting with two 3-seater sofas in diff colours, that would serve as our " beds ".
bratqueen and me were full of ideas as to how to maximise the space of our room and minimise the clutter we already have. since our room is square in shape. it makes for easy re-furnishing.
the things that we have in our room now are, the queen-sized bed, 4-door wardrobe, bookshelf, small tv shelf. round table and two chairs. not to mention all the clutter we have. like i've said in previous posts, sister dear is a bit of a packrat. there are still many, many, many things that she could have thrown away. the main idea before the re-furnishing, is to totally and seriously clean out our room. after that's settled then we both can start planning ideas on the refurnishment of our room.
basically the things that we don't need, is the queen-sized bed, the wardrobe namely because both take up too much space in the room, the tv shelf and the bookshelf. they will of course be replaced. and sister wants to paint the room green.
we've already sought out the things that will replace the furniture we don't need.
queen sized bed --> two 3- seater sofas in diff colors.
the huge wardrobe --> a chest of drawers( to store our everyday clothes ) and a smaller closet ( to store our going out clothes ).
tv shelf --> squarish coffee table
the other two items in our room now, still have no idea what to replace them with or just keep them.
ouh, sister took some pica while were at IKEA, proceed to her blog if you want to see them.
sayonara readers ")
Sunday, 31 August 2008
9 more days
morning has been mundane, for me.
woke up late, arnd ten i think.
made pancakes for the brats.
bathed, changed into a skirt and green top, since mother has asked me to accompany her to IKEA. and, now
still am waiting for her to reach home. i guess today is a bit better, since my gums have almost gone back to normal. i can chew already, though it still hurts abit. at least i'll, finally be able to eat again rather than drinking chicken soup through a straw and the chicken soup was salty, mid you. mother said it will help to bring down the swelling. it did but i'll never ever dare try chicken soup again.
i'll update later, when i'm in a more " happier mood ".
sayonara readers
woke up late, arnd ten i think.
made pancakes for the brats.
bathed, changed into a skirt and green top, since mother has asked me to accompany her to IKEA. and, now
still am waiting for her to reach home. i guess today is a bit better, since my gums have almost gone back to normal. i can chew already, though it still hurts abit. at least i'll, finally be able to eat again rather than drinking chicken soup through a straw and the chicken soup was salty, mid you. mother said it will help to bring down the swelling. it did but i'll never ever dare try chicken soup again.
i'll update later, when i'm in a more " happier mood ".
sayonara readers
Saturday, 30 August 2008
10 more days
i'm sick, a fever actually. how quaint. and my gums on the right side are swollen. mother says i drank too much of the milo fuse, she says it's heaty. and the fasting month starts on mon. i don't think i'm able to fast since i constantly need water to rehydrate myself. life's fair i guess. mother kept telling me that i shouldn't drink too much of the milo fuse but i never listen. soo now i'm stuck with this. and the best part is i can't chew anything, not even bread. yeay me. pffftt!
just made pancakes for the two household brats. too bad i can't taste my handiwork. baby bro says they taste great. he's either being really nice or it does taste great. and this is a first time i'm making pancakes, not instant ones, by scratch mind you. i think i have a penchant for this, anything that has to do with flour, eggs, milk and the like, turns out great even if i messed up a bit. for instance, i ter-used cold milk instead of warm milk and had to spend 15 minutes beating the mixture until it is smooth. cramped up my arm doing that.
its raining in my area and mother has just gone out to a birthday party, she asked me to tag along but i said no. since i conveniently can't chew anything. yeay me again.
i think i'll study but first i have to reduce the amount of space thoughts of boyfriend has taken over in my head. i'm constantly thinking of him lately. i better discuss this "problem" with him a.s.a.p cos i don't think i'll be able to study properly until i do so. first things first have to do something about the space he has taken over in my head.
p/s: i don't want to know how much u love me but i want to know how much you really miss me because for me the word love isextremely overrated. i miss you, my love
just made pancakes for the two household brats. too bad i can't taste my handiwork. baby bro says they taste great. he's either being really nice or it does taste great. and this is a first time i'm making pancakes, not instant ones, by scratch mind you. i think i have a penchant for this, anything that has to do with flour, eggs, milk and the like, turns out great even if i messed up a bit. for instance, i ter-used cold milk instead of warm milk and had to spend 15 minutes beating the mixture until it is smooth. cramped up my arm doing that.
its raining in my area and mother has just gone out to a birthday party, she asked me to tag along but i said no. since i conveniently can't chew anything. yeay me again.
i think i'll study but first i have to reduce the amount of space thoughts of boyfriend has taken over in my head. i'm constantly thinking of him lately. i better discuss this "problem" with him a.s.a.p cos i don't think i'll be able to study properly until i do so. first things first have to do something about the space he has taken over in my head.
p/s: i don't want to know how much u love me but i want to know how much you really miss me because for me the word love is
Friday, 29 August 2008
11 more days
nothing really much happened this past couple of days. that's why i didn't blog yesterday.
the fasting month is in a few days. the 1st of September to be exact. and i thought it would be somewhere in mid September. silly me. pffftt!!.
that means a whole month of making sure i control what i eat, after breaking fast, cos i badly want to lose a bit of weight. more importantly i want to lose my flabby tummy. and of course, nightly prayers to attend at the nearby mosque. i promised mother that i will go, every night without fail, until the end of the fasting month that is unless i'm having my menses. actually i'm having it right now, so i'm gonna miss the first few days of fasting. the good thing is that i'll be fasting mostly at home cos it's already the school holidays. and the only time i'll be going out is when i have to sit for my BCT exam, which is on the 9th of September.
ouh, i forgot, that there'll be a cousin outing during fasting month with my cousin's on mother's side. other than that i don't think i'll be out anywhere. unless of course, boyfriend asks me out, other than that, nothing, zilch nada, nope. totally have no other plans for the fasting month.
talking about boyfriend, he's already been posted to his division, SOC to be exact, it all came a little bit too fast for me and i thought i had a chance to meet him, just my luck, i guess. this time i don't know when his off days are. it's really hard to maintain a r/s when your boyfriend is serving his N.S, when you wanna go out with him, it has to fit around his schedule, you have to be patient, knowing his busy but one hour wouldn't hurt, really, i wouldn't mind taking the trip down to bedok so he wouldn't be that tired.
nana said that i should think of myself for awhile, i find it difficult cos i've always been like this, it's like i'm attuned to other peoples emotions, knowing if they are actually sad angry or happy. i feel like a freak with this patience of mine and this uncanny ability to read peoples emotions, people who i'm close to. however, i'll try to be more self centered, though.
nana said, " belum cube belum tahu. "
in english it means, if i haven't try it out, i wouldn't know the outcome.
p/s: nana i didn't get a chance to tell him cos by the time i called him he was already asleep. "/
the fasting month is in a few days. the 1st of September to be exact. and i thought it would be somewhere in mid September. silly me. pffftt!!.
that means a whole month of making sure i control what i eat, after breaking fast, cos i badly want to lose a bit of weight. more importantly i want to lose my flabby tummy. and of course, nightly prayers to attend at the nearby mosque. i promised mother that i will go, every night without fail, until the end of the fasting month that is unless i'm having my menses. actually i'm having it right now, so i'm gonna miss the first few days of fasting. the good thing is that i'll be fasting mostly at home cos it's already the school holidays. and the only time i'll be going out is when i have to sit for my BCT exam, which is on the 9th of September.
ouh, i forgot, that there'll be a cousin outing during fasting month with my cousin's on mother's side. other than that i don't think i'll be out anywhere. unless of course, boyfriend asks me out, other than that, nothing, zilch nada, nope. totally have no other plans for the fasting month.
talking about boyfriend, he's already been posted to his division, SOC to be exact, it all came a little bit too fast for me and i thought i had a chance to meet him, just my luck, i guess. this time i don't know when his off days are. it's really hard to maintain a r/s when your boyfriend is serving his N.S, when you wanna go out with him, it has to fit around his schedule, you have to be patient, knowing his busy but one hour wouldn't hurt, really, i wouldn't mind taking the trip down to bedok so he wouldn't be that tired.
nana said that i should think of myself for awhile, i find it difficult cos i've always been like this, it's like i'm attuned to other peoples emotions, knowing if they are actually sad angry or happy. i feel like a freak with this patience of mine and this uncanny ability to read peoples emotions, people who i'm close to. however, i'll try to be more self centered, though.
nana said, " belum cube belum tahu. "
in english it means, if i haven't try it out, i wouldn't know the outcome.
p/s: nana i didn't get a chance to tell him cos by the time i called him he was already asleep. "/
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
13 more days
i miss the way You make me laugh,
i miss the way You wanna make me cry,
i miss the way You try to make me angry,
But, out of all the above,
I just plainly miss you.
I want You right here,
right now,
real bad.
p/s: i'm done reading the twilight series.
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
14 more days
all class tests are done.
i'm halfway through the second book of the twilight series.
and i'm missing boyfriend really bad :(
i'm halfway through the second book of the twilight series.
and i'm missing boyfriend really bad :(
Monday, 25 August 2008
15 more days
i finally got the twilight series books
*screams with delighted joy*
they'll keep me company, during those sleepless nights prior to the exams. i'll post pictures later as proof.
i'm a happy, happy girl. * smiles widely*
as you all know, i've not met my Mr Moon, for about 8 superfreakylong weeks. i've decided to treat him to dinner at idontknowwhereyet. the places up for choice are pizza hut, swensens or breeks. i can't decide. maybe when i have the money safely in my hands i can decide lahh.
now off to try to unconfuse myself about the blood glucose thingy.
Sunday, 24 August 2008
16 more days
its been raining since early afternoon and i've been torturing my brain into remembering the AC notes since morning. feels wonderful, you know, with a goddamn headache. i soo have nothing better to do 'cept to rot at home or study, so i chose the latter. seems rewriting the notes so that i can understand them is a freaking waste of time, however, i will try again later to read them through again before i go to sleep. i'll be damned if i fail AC class test 2, after all the hard brain work i put into it.
father has gone out to work and mother is still at my aunt's place and i still have not yet gotten the chance to meet up with boyfriend, it seems both of us are constantly busy with family related stuff and as for me i'm constantly busy with school related stuff. soo its been 8 weeks and counting since i last spent time with him, it might have been longer if i miscounted. at least frequent nightly calls are keeping me sane. i'll start having unnecessary images in my head if he didn't do that.
ouh yeah, i finally get to read the twilight series , after weeks, mother let me use her i/c number to reserve them books and now i can collect them at yishun community library. however, i can only collect two books, New Moon an Eclipse. the notice letter for collection of Twilight has not yet arrived and i can't seem to reserve Breaking Dawn even though its on the reservation list. well better luck next time.
sayonaa readers
father has gone out to work and mother is still at my aunt's place and i still have not yet gotten the chance to meet up with boyfriend, it seems both of us are constantly busy with family related stuff and as for me i'm constantly busy with school related stuff. soo its been 8 weeks and counting since i last spent time with him, it might have been longer if i miscounted. at least frequent nightly calls are keeping me sane. i'll start having unnecessary images in my head if he didn't do that.
ouh yeah, i finally get to read the twilight series , after weeks, mother let me use her i/c number to reserve them books and now i can collect them at yishun community library. however, i can only collect two books, New Moon an Eclipse. the notice letter for collection of Twilight has not yet arrived and i can't seem to reserve Breaking Dawn even though its on the reservation list. well better luck next time.
sayonaa readers
Saturday, 23 August 2008
17 more days
Friday, 22 August 2008
18 more days
the weekends has finally arrived, i can breathe abit, but not too much cos still gotta study for the AC class test 2 that's next monday. Ms Lee made it abit easier cause she told us to concentrate on the marked slides only but to make sure i pass the paper, i'm gonna read through the whole booklet, just to be on the safe side.
hopefully tmrw i get to meet my Mr Moon after 8 long weeks.
* crossing my fingers *.
i want to bring him see the fireworks at marina sq/esplanade/the merlion area but he doesn't like the saturday crowd, in fact he doesn't like crowds filled with the typical poeple. but i want to see the fireworks display badly. D'nae will be goin there to watch it with her fam if i'm nt wrong but before that she will be at this event called Popcorn Playa, it's a hiphop event, tixx are sold at the door. i would have wanted to tag along to see the show but like i said i'm not that comfortable with her crowd just yet. and besides i'm hoping bf will call and ask me out if not i'll prolly rot at home revising my AC. and that means i will have to wait another week.
i'll post the vid i promised to post a week ago and i'll post pics of my mother's two pairs of Heatwave heels that my father bought for her for this coming hari raya. my mother purposely make me jealous by flaunting those pair of shoes. totally not fair man, those shoes are fucking gorgeous and too bad their a tad bit too tight for my feet.
* insert very irritated face here *
sayonara readers
Thursday, 21 August 2008
19 more days
3 tests down and 2 more to go.
BCT class test 2, MLP class test 2 and AC phase test are done and over with albeit with a few minor scratches, figuratively speaking of course. so now i'm left with MLP prac ass and AC class test 2, which happens next week. 2 days in a row mind you. how time flies when you are swamped with tests and with the exam coming just around the corner, i'm sure i'll feel like i havent studied enough even though the exam is 19 days away. luckily i wrote down a schedule to keep track of what i'm studying and so as to prevent me from cramming and mugging till the last minute.
Bf passed his exam, and he was excited. i'm proud of him lah, he deserves it anyways cause he did put in his time and effort into studying for the exam. i don't think studying the law is easy so i'm very pruod of him. * smile bigbig *
i'm just studying for a module and i find it freakng hard whatmore with my not so good track record at school. it will be a miracle and a lot of hard work that wlll pull me through the exam. i have to pass my AC that's for sure, cause i think i might have screwed my AC phase test a little bit. one reason was my nerves the other reason was that i was invigilated by Ms Lee. * bites fingernail *
she reminded me to be present for the AC class test next mon, i'll be damned if i miss that test,
imagine not being able to come for the test and lastly failing the module, after all the hard work i put forth the last few weeks. i already have to retake my LM module next semester, thank my lucky stars it's just a semester and not a whole year! and if i fail my AC module ( touchwood people ), that means i have to sit through ITE life for another one and a half years! sound wonderful ain't it??!! baahs.
now, i want you readers to meet my revision buddy. * grins cheekily *
don't worry your eyes aren't deceiving you.
the picture is of baby biscuits, strangely i find that i can concentrate when i'm eating those while studying, if not i'll be walking 'bout the house looking for something else to do. and these biscuits keep my mouth shut when studying, its weird i know, but it works for me. Bf will laugh hismself into a fit if he finds out i actually do eat babybiscuits because all this while he thinks im joking 'bout it. heh.
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
today just isnt my day. it started off very pathetically but it ended on a lighter note on the way home.
i was with Nana and Zura, felt like going home with them today, so i took the train with those silly but loveable girls. and just my luck i was " ter- perbodohkan ". heh. they sure did have fun laughing all the way from bedok till outram park, non-stop mind you, they laughed sooo hard till they couldnt speak properly. heh. this was all due to my belo-ness. u girls had fun huh laughing at my expense?? but you girls are forgiven, i can never stay mad at both you girls for more than a minute, now looking back at it, it was damn funny. thats all i can blog about for that incident, cos as of this instant im laughing myself to a fit. *sighs happily*
while waiting for my parents at burger king, causeway point. i saw an old friend and she was with her new bf and she pissed me off. she saw me but didnt even stop by to greet me or anything, and she didnt even smile at me when i was smiling at her. i hate people who think their partners are a huge deal. this people need to be shaken till they come to their senses. not that i'm blacklisting everyone who hsa a significant other cos i myself am attached, but its just ridiculous man. i mean i know her longer than her current bf does, atleast show me some respect. if you took the time to come over to greet me i might have wished her the best for her r/s. some people put their significant other before their closest friends. that is just wrong, it shows that you forget others easily when you are happy, but when you are in trouble you come crawling back to ask your closest friends for help.
so thats today,
a pathetic start to my day, a wonderful trip back home with Nana and Zura but a lousy end to my day. well maybe not that lousy cos bf has yet to call.
sayonara readers =)
i was with Nana and Zura, felt like going home with them today, so i took the train with those silly but loveable girls. and just my luck i was " ter- perbodohkan ". heh. they sure did have fun laughing all the way from bedok till outram park, non-stop mind you, they laughed sooo hard till they couldnt speak properly. heh. this was all due to my belo-ness. u girls had fun huh laughing at my expense?? but you girls are forgiven, i can never stay mad at both you girls for more than a minute, now looking back at it, it was damn funny. thats all i can blog about for that incident, cos as of this instant im laughing myself to a fit. *sighs happily*
while waiting for my parents at burger king, causeway point. i saw an old friend and she was with her new bf and she pissed me off. she saw me but didnt even stop by to greet me or anything, and she didnt even smile at me when i was smiling at her. i hate people who think their partners are a huge deal. this people need to be shaken till they come to their senses. not that i'm blacklisting everyone who hsa a significant other cos i myself am attached, but its just ridiculous man. i mean i know her longer than her current bf does, atleast show me some respect. if you took the time to come over to greet me i might have wished her the best for her r/s. some people put their significant other before their closest friends. that is just wrong, it shows that you forget others easily when you are happy, but when you are in trouble you come crawling back to ask your closest friends for help.
so thats today,
a pathetic start to my day, a wonderful trip back home with Nana and Zura but a lousy end to my day. well maybe not that lousy cos bf has yet to call.
sayonara readers =)
Sunday, 17 August 2008
first of all because of laughing waaayyy tooo much at Nana's house just now. and of cos due to the work that has to be done.
i just got home, cant really sleep so msged boyfriend to do his best for his exam tmrw, then i decided to blog, i brought food home from Nana's place and gonna eat it later.
there were alot and i mean alot of mispronounced, silly, stupid and unheard of words that came out from each of us. and there were sungguh tak perlu stuff or things that we did. Nana was especially high today due to some reasons and me, Nadd and Nuruz just went with her pace.
i would want to blog about it but seriously dont know where to start. hehs
that about wraps up today's post,
sayonara readers.
p/s stay strong Nana, its all part of moving on and truly forgetting. we'll be there for you. You know we will :)
Saturday, 16 August 2008
what a day it has been, im soo shagged
since the date has been postponed, i took the time to do the house chores and revised, just a bit. and then sometime in the late afternoon, Dee and me went to a bdae party at my cousins house. it was kinda boring cos her frens were there and they were those typical people. nightmare man, everything we say or do, the watched or listened in to. as usual when in the presence of the typical people, sis would make a super blank face that would say,
" i dont know u and i dont like u, so dont bother looking at me. "
but the food was great, my aunt really knows how to cook. the cake was not bad, just a tad too much sugar content in it. the blueberry muffins, on the other hand, were delish and soft and fluffy. hee.
we left early, cos, like i said it was boring cos of the typical people.
off we went, we walked to the bustop, talked about stuff and i helped Dee with her rhymes, i felt dope man, heh. Dee always uses that word to describe something awesome so it kinda got stuck in my head but i only use it when im around her. she asked for my help to list words that ends in a certain way, that was kinda easy cos u know my vocab is quite large. heh ( im not bragging, just stating fact eh. )
then we went to shop n save to buy some junk food , cos we were headed to Woodlands CC to chill for awhile. the junk food will be there to accompany us while we watch the Lunar Eclipse which will be happening later at 310 am if im not wrong. im never gonna miss it cos who knows i might not be around to watch the next Lunar and Solar Eclipses. Father has let us go down to watch it happen. isnt that just great?? hehe.
to know about the top ten Eclipse facts just click here!
im done for now, off to be ready for the Eclipse.
sayonara readers =)
since the date has been postponed, i took the time to do the house chores and revised, just a bit. and then sometime in the late afternoon, Dee and me went to a bdae party at my cousins house. it was kinda boring cos her frens were there and they were those typical people. nightmare man, everything we say or do, the watched or listened in to. as usual when in the presence of the typical people, sis would make a super blank face that would say,
but the food was great, my aunt really knows how to cook. the cake was not bad, just a tad too much sugar content in it. the blueberry muffins, on the other hand, were delish and soft and fluffy. hee.
we left early, cos, like i said it was boring cos of the typical people.
off we went, we walked to the bustop, talked about stuff and i helped Dee with her rhymes, i felt dope man, heh. Dee always uses that word to describe something awesome so it kinda got stuck in my head but i only use it when im around her. she asked for my help to list words that ends in a certain way, that was kinda easy cos u know my vocab is quite large. heh ( im not bragging, just stating fact eh. )
then we went to shop n save to buy some junk food , cos we were headed to Woodlands CC to chill for awhile. the junk food will be there to accompany us while we watch the Lunar Eclipse which will be happening later at 310 am if im not wrong. im never gonna miss it cos who knows i might not be around to watch the next Lunar and Solar Eclipses. Father has let us go down to watch it happen. isnt that just great?? hehe.
to know about the top ten Eclipse facts just click here!
im done for now, off to be ready for the Eclipse.
sayonara readers =)
Friday, 15 August 2008
i have absolutely no idea what to blog about. i wanted to upload tht vid of my cat stealing food but lappy is being a bitch again. pffffftt!
back to life,
Dee has gone out, meeting with the DaFam and BNF i think, if i remember corectly lah. atleast she's happy, im stuck at home, would prolly be rotting right now if i just do nothing,
school was school. and of course, with the girls, there's never a dull moment.
wait, now i suddenly have the urge for chocolate fudge icecream,
date with bf has been postponed, hope he has a fun time studying. xD
soo, im off to a gathering at i-dont-know-where. then the whole family will be going off to a bbq at nite. just a day filled with meeting the cousins on mother's side, i think. its gonna be pretty boring and im sure i'll be shagged the whole day.
then on sunday,
will be having extreme fun at nana's.
YEAY ME!!!!!
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
the umpteenth laugh fest
i dont now how many laugh fests i had in school and when im with the girls.
this afternoon was another one.
zura confidently said that we should be quiet in the bus, we were on our way to changi beach, because usually we make a hell of a noise when we're in the bus. actually we make alot of noise no matter where we are. be it in the bus or mrt. and sometimes all it takes is for only two out of the six of us to make soo much noise. like last mon for example, when me and nana were on the way back home from the study session. we were standing at one corner of the mrt cabin and talking about stuff and laughing until i couldnt laugh no more. people were watching, but hell, we didnt give a damn.
anyways back to point,
zura said we should be quiet, well we did, but a few minutes after entering the bus we were noisy again. i think it will rain on the day that all of us actually manage to really keep quiet. heees
and the rest is history =)
how would i manage to be happy w/o u girls with me is way beyond me right now. and my tummy hurts soo much from the nonstop laughter.
i hope i dont cry later, cos zura said,
" ketawe bnyk2 nanti balik rumah nangis "
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
i should have not thought about unnecessary stuff.
i spend my time at home, quite productively, meaning i actually sat down and revised for tmrws test. im almost done with the revision. and hopefully it stays in my head long enough for me to sit for the test. hehs
and lately i realized, whenever i study or revise at home, i will have this particular biscuits with me instead of the usual chocolates or junk food. i think im getting fatter since i eat when im stressed, and the tension at home isnt exactly helping.
alot has been going on lately, and those who should be in the know should understand what im talking about.
recently i took a video of my cat stealing food, i'll upload it sometime soon
sayonara readers : )
Monday, 11 August 2008
maybe im just afraid that i'll lose him, cos of the amount of time that we've not seen each other. its unneccessary, really, to think that his feelings for me can just fade away in an instant but i cant help it and furthermore life at home has been pretty tense. i know that my feelings for him are very strong but i can only go for soo long without seeing him before i start having stupid thoughts in my head of the what-ifs.
nana said that " absence makes the heart grow fonder"
its true and all but........
great now i've lost track of what i want to say. pffffttt!!!
time for me to try to get to sleep then.
sayonara readers
i just got back from the "study session". now im off again to follow sister dear go causeway point for god-knows-what. i'll update later, proper update. and boyfriend's at his contigents chalet. somesort of post NDP party. well he's having fun and im not. boohoo! and i think i need to see him this weekend cos its been far way too long.
till then
sayonara readers,
till then
sayonara readers,
Sunday, 10 August 2008
2nd day of the olympics and still waiting for the equestrian event.
i watched the Twilight Movie trailers on youtube just now, and damn, after seeing that im sure i want to go catch the movie which falls on the 12th of December 2008. however, before the movie releases here, i want to go read all the books in the series. and i mean all four books.
the final book in the series should be in stores this month, so im thinking of buying it. but i have to go buy the other books also just to complete the collection. borrowing it from the library is not a bad idea but i feel books like this are written to be read over and over again. thats why buying would be the best option. for now, i have to be content with being able to borrow it first. and since i have already paid my fines. i can go reserve it again. yeay!!
thats for now,
sayonara readers :)
i watched the Twilight Movie trailers on youtube just now, and damn, after seeing that im sure i want to go catch the movie which falls on the 12th of December 2008. however, before the movie releases here, i want to go read all the books in the series. and i mean all four books.
the final book in the series should be in stores this month, so im thinking of buying it. but i have to go buy the other books also just to complete the collection. borrowing it from the library is not a bad idea but i feel books like this are written to be read over and over again. thats why buying would be the best option. for now, i have to be content with being able to borrow it first. and since i have already paid my fines. i can go reserve it again. yeay!!
thats for now,
sayonara readers :)
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Happy 43rd Singapore!!
its national day today, and its raining. how quaint. i imagine it would be raining there too. all the poor spectators and performers. poor boyfriend. :(
his uniform would be wet if it continues to drizzle there. hopefully the rain would completely stop before the parade starts.
i dont have the mood to revise today, idk why also. who knows maybe after watching NDP, i'll have my mood back. hehes. there's nothing much to watch on tv except for the olympic games. i watched the men gymnastics and boxing events early in the afternoon.
ouh regarding the men gymnastics event, i would like to point out one thing. don't some of them know how to shave their armpits??!!! its an eyesore man, because every turn they do will be punctuated by unsightly " manly hair ". pffft!!. thats why i prefer watching the women gymnasts rather then the men's. the boxing event was okay lah, not a fave, just watched it to pass the time.
i quote nuruz - " alah si berus dawai tuuu "
sayonara readers :)
Friday, 8 August 2008
moshi moshi readers,
nothing much happened today, i rearranged my notes and worked up a revision schedule so i wont be stressed too much when revising. there are alot of tests coming up this month.
13 aug - BCT Class test
21 aug - MLP Class test
25 aug - AC Class test
26 aug - MLP Prac Ass & AC Phase test
last but not least is the exam,
9 sept - BCT Exam.
quite a whole lot of mugging and cramming to be done this month and early next month. i have started revising for the bct class test but kinda difficult when your notes are filled with missing blanks here and there but i have to try. coming monday, supposed to have a study session but for me mostly a fill-in-the-blanks session. i have to remember to msg syakir. the plan was to study somewhere in bishan. anywhere else is not a problem for me because i badly need to complete my notes so that i can study and revise that much easier.
i watched The Lion King : Simba's Pride just now on youtube. gosh i missed watching the lion king movies, my fave disney movies ever. brings back memories when i was a young innocent kid watching it, back in the day. i actually teared abit, i am a touch sensitive when it comes to sappy movies, and the movie had enough sappy parts. and this movie actually had learning points, like moral of the story kinda thing that i actually understood. not unlike movies nowadays, where you have to watch it a couple of times to understand the moral or whatever it is they want us to learn.
the Olympic Games in Beijing officially starts today, i soooo cannot wait for the Gymnastic events and the Equestrian events. my all time fave events at the Olympic games.
i guess im done for today,
sayonara readers =)
nothing much happened today, i rearranged my notes and worked up a revision schedule so i wont be stressed too much when revising. there are alot of tests coming up this month.
13 aug - BCT Class test
21 aug - MLP Class test
25 aug - AC Class test
26 aug - MLP Prac Ass & AC Phase test
last but not least is the exam,
9 sept - BCT Exam.
quite a whole lot of mugging and cramming to be done this month and early next month. i have started revising for the bct class test but kinda difficult when your notes are filled with missing blanks here and there but i have to try. coming monday, supposed to have a study session but for me mostly a fill-in-the-blanks session. i have to remember to msg syakir. the plan was to study somewhere in bishan. anywhere else is not a problem for me because i badly need to complete my notes so that i can study and revise that much easier.
i watched The Lion King : Simba's Pride just now on youtube. gosh i missed watching the lion king movies, my fave disney movies ever. brings back memories when i was a young innocent kid watching it, back in the day. i actually teared abit, i am a touch sensitive when it comes to sappy movies, and the movie had enough sappy parts. and this movie actually had learning points, like moral of the story kinda thing that i actually understood. not unlike movies nowadays, where you have to watch it a couple of times to understand the moral or whatever it is they want us to learn.
the Olympic Games in Beijing officially starts today, i soooo cannot wait for the Gymnastic events and the Equestrian events. my all time fave events at the Olympic games.
i guess im done for today,
sayonara readers =)
Thursday, 7 August 2008
i'll be having a looong weekend, starting tmrw. there will be no lessons tmrw just the national day celebrationsat school so im not coming. and monday will be a holiday. it gives me much needed time to revise abit.
tmrw morning, im so gonna go jogging. i usually dont like to go jogging cos i dont like my neighbourhood, kinda scary especially the jogging area. since i cant find the skipping rope i have no other alternative. mother said she will buy me another skipping rope for me so i cna skip to my hearts content.
school was okay. finally went for AC prac like after three weeks, if i counted correctly. super loong. i think my attendance is improving a bit lah.
a few weeks ago my friend promised to help me buy new lenses cos idk where she bought it, since i havent the time to follow her, i trusted her with my 15 bucks and she didnot deliver. i asked her if she really can do it cos she as a history of financial problems and she said she can do it, so i let her have it. now she has lost her job and is apologizing profusely cos she has used the 15 bucks i gave her and did not get me my conatact lenses. i am a bit dissapointed but its my fault i should have known better. however i didnt get angry with her. all i said was to take it easy and find a new job, then, when and if she can get me my contact lenses just give me a call. idk why im so forgiving. its my downfall really.
maybe becos i know her tooo well??
well enough for today, im packing my clothes to sleepover at my nyai's house tonight.
sayonara readers =)
tmrw morning, im so gonna go jogging. i usually dont like to go jogging cos i dont like my neighbourhood, kinda scary especially the jogging area. since i cant find the skipping rope i have no other alternative. mother said she will buy me another skipping rope for me so i cna skip to my hearts content.
school was okay. finally went for AC prac like after three weeks, if i counted correctly. super loong. i think my attendance is improving a bit lah.
a few weeks ago my friend promised to help me buy new lenses cos idk where she bought it, since i havent the time to follow her, i trusted her with my 15 bucks and she didnot deliver. i asked her if she really can do it cos she as a history of financial problems and she said she can do it, so i let her have it. now she has lost her job and is apologizing profusely cos she has used the 15 bucks i gave her and did not get me my conatact lenses. i am a bit dissapointed but its my fault i should have known better. however i didnt get angry with her. all i said was to take it easy and find a new job, then, when and if she can get me my contact lenses just give me a call. idk why im so forgiving. its my downfall really.
maybe becos i know her tooo well??
well enough for today, im packing my clothes to sleepover at my nyai's house tonight.
sayonara readers =)
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
i want to threading can?? but there's alot i want to do and everything requires money.
theres that surprise i planned for boyfriend. ouh ouh, turns out his P.O.P is on the 28th of august just a few days before the start of the fasting month. timing couldnt have been more perfect. =______________="
and that means i have only two days to get to give him that surprise.
then i want to highlight my hair for hari raya. knowing that my mom will never sponsor that i have to save money again. its gonna be expensive cos i want to highlight my hair in two tones. prolly will cost close to a 100 bucks. pfffft!
shaie said the threading thing costs 5 bucks but idk and i havent made up my mind yet. im used to doing my eyebrow by myself. and having someone else do it, even though its a professional, leaves me thinking. is it really worth it?? i have been doing a great job with my eyebrows so far....
we'll just have to wait and see don't we.
summing up everything, i have to save my money for
theres that surprise i planned for boyfriend. ouh ouh, turns out his P.O.P is on the 28th of august just a few days before the start of the fasting month. timing couldnt have been more perfect. =______________="
and that means i have only two days to get to give him that surprise.
then i want to highlight my hair for hari raya. knowing that my mom will never sponsor that i have to save money again. its gonna be expensive cos i want to highlight my hair in two tones. prolly will cost close to a 100 bucks. pfffft!
shaie said the threading thing costs 5 bucks but idk and i havent made up my mind yet. im used to doing my eyebrow by myself. and having someone else do it, even though its a professional, leaves me thinking. is it really worth it?? i have been doing a great job with my eyebrows so far....
we'll just have to wait and see don't we.
summing up everything, i have to save my money for
- boyfriends' already planned surprise. =)
- highlights for my hair
- and sorely needed makeup stuff for hari raya.
sister has already dried up the foundation and powder and eyeliner and mascara. shheeeessshhhh!! did her skin like swallow it or something??
thank her lucky stars i can still and will always share stuff with her. maybe i need to strengthen the boundaries that i already set for her. hmmm....
p/s: anyone have any tried and tested and worked methods as to how to lose weight fast? the ones im trying work but not fast enough.
pssst! sebelum puase nk kuruskan bdn jdi boleh igtkn diri jgn makan bnyk2 time buka puase. org puase kuruskan bdn, aku puase naik bdn. hehs.
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
i had a tiring day, tiring aftn, since i didnt make it for morning lesson. it was AC prac on HPLC smmre. im never gonna get thru the phase test alive i tell you. haish.
had SW today, wasnt that much fun though cos we didnt have any idea what to do, in the end we just shot some hoops. thats about it. after that went o have a shower, well they did, namely, Zura, Shan and Shaie, i just changed cos again i forgot to bring the shower stuffs and the unmentionables. hehs
oh, oh ,oh....
we had a laugh fest during MLP prac cos the lecturer was draggy as usual. the way she droned on and on about stuff we should already know kow to do. like using the microscope, for instance. i may be abit slow when it comes to using the makes-my-eyes-cross machine but i can handle it. all we had to do was look into the slides and draw what we see according to what magnification it was seen under. pfffft. then she droned about something else. that was when we started acting up becos of extreme boredom. it was like everyone of the girls lost their sanity, incl' me but not as much as Nana did, i think. at the end of it all my foolscap paper became a scrapbook for the girls. ahahaha.
nuff' said, i had a fun but tiring day.
p/s : i cant wait to see the NDP parade on tv this Sat, can see and drool over boyfriend in that hot uniform. hehes.
p/p/s : thank you Nadd for helping me with my music codes.
oh, one more thing,
i think my sleeping pattern is getting a wee bit better cos i can get to sleep now,sometimes. its the waking up part that im having trouble with but i think it'll pass soon enough.
had SW today, wasnt that much fun though cos we didnt have any idea what to do, in the end we just shot some hoops. thats about it. after that went o have a shower, well they did, namely, Zura, Shan and Shaie, i just changed cos again i forgot to bring the shower stuffs and the unmentionables. hehs
oh, oh ,oh....
we had a laugh fest during MLP prac cos the lecturer was draggy as usual. the way she droned on and on about stuff we should already know kow to do. like using the microscope, for instance. i may be abit slow when it comes to using the makes-my-eyes-cross machine but i can handle it. all we had to do was look into the slides and draw what we see according to what magnification it was seen under. pfffft. then she droned about something else. that was when we started acting up becos of extreme boredom. it was like everyone of the girls lost their sanity, incl' me but not as much as Nana did, i think. at the end of it all my foolscap paper became a scrapbook for the girls. ahahaha.
nuff' said, i had a fun but tiring day.
p/s : i cant wait to see the NDP parade on tv this Sat, can see and drool over boyfriend in that hot uniform. hehes.
p/p/s : thank you Nadd for helping me with my music codes.
oh, one more thing,
i think my sleeping pattern is getting a wee bit better cos i can get to sleep now,sometimes. its the waking up part that im having trouble with but i think it'll pass soon enough.
Sunday, 3 August 2008
my morning has been busssyyy.
completed my chores, later gonna have my lunch then start with my AC notes.
surfed the net for awhile just now, then i realized i havent been in my friendster account for a very long time, its the same for my facebook account too. there's nothing much to do with them lah nowadays. and i have been thinking for a long time whether if i want to delete my friendster and facebook accounts, just havent made up my mind yet.
i still remember the time, back in secondary school, when having a friendster account was a big deal to everyone that mattered. i didnt matter cos i didnt have one back then since i was obssessed with my life outside of the school walls.
after my ac notes are completed, i dont have that much to do, i want to go meet boyfriend but the parents have not allowed me to go out, since the exam is coming in a months' time. its been like, what, 6 weeks since i last spent time with him. and since i have been forbidden to go out 'cept if i want to study, it will be another long month before i get to spend time with him, that would mean it will be ten whole weeks since i last saw him. sobs. sad lah seyy
haiyah, what to do. my parents are right and i need to really put in more effort in my studies. i've already failed my maths module and i have to retake it next sem, which implies that i will serve in house attachment at school. if i fail this module i have to retake another year. haish.
till then,
sayonara readers :)
completed my chores, later gonna have my lunch then start with my AC notes.
surfed the net for awhile just now, then i realized i havent been in my friendster account for a very long time, its the same for my facebook account too. there's nothing much to do with them lah nowadays. and i have been thinking for a long time whether if i want to delete my friendster and facebook accounts, just havent made up my mind yet.
i still remember the time, back in secondary school, when having a friendster account was a big deal to everyone that mattered. i didnt matter cos i didnt have one back then since i was obssessed with my life outside of the school walls.
after my ac notes are completed, i dont have that much to do, i want to go meet boyfriend but the parents have not allowed me to go out, since the exam is coming in a months' time. its been like, what, 6 weeks since i last spent time with him. and since i have been forbidden to go out 'cept if i want to study, it will be another long month before i get to spend time with him, that would mean it will be ten whole weeks since i last saw him. sobs. sad lah seyy
haiyah, what to do. my parents are right and i need to really put in more effort in my studies. i've already failed my maths module and i have to retake it next sem, which implies that i will serve in house attachment at school. if i fail this module i have to retake another year. haish.
till then,
sayonara readers :)
Saturday, 2 August 2008
what a day i had, been tiring and mundane cos had to send and fetch my bro from sch. thought i'd go home first and then return when he finishes sch but thought otherwise cos i know i will be more tired. after that. went to visit my Nyai, and my aunt who came from K.L. my aunt asked me when i will be going to K.L again, i said maybe during my September hols IF and only IF my father actually lets me. most prolly going alone cos i have a strong feeling sister dear will be swamped with her N revision. brother dear will also be busy with his PSLE revision.
the kain that mother bought just now was nice but plain, mother said she will sew own designs to the fabrics to make it more nicer and a little less plain.
i guess thats about it, off to sleep soon cos i have a long day tmrw. starting with jogging and the housechores and then i have to fill in the blanks to my ac notes.
sayonara readers =)
p/s: are any of you girls free tmrw?? i need to copy all the missing notes soo i can start my BCT revision without any hiccups.
the kain that mother bought just now was nice but plain, mother said she will sew own designs to the fabrics to make it more nicer and a little less plain.
i guess thats about it, off to sleep soon cos i have a long day tmrw. starting with jogging and the housechores and then i have to fill in the blanks to my ac notes.
sayonara readers =)
p/s: are any of you girls free tmrw?? i need to copy all the missing notes soo i can start my BCT revision without any hiccups.
mother will be heading off to Arab St in a few, searching for fabrics for hari raya. if im nt wrong the first day we wuill be wearing brown. the outfit that i already have is half completed cos i only have the kain , the kebaya itself however, has to be searched for some other time. the kain is a little bit tight round the tummy area, thts for eating too much. -_-'
mother also cooked nasi lemak for us. yummmyyy!!!!
i have to send brother dear to school, then have to wait for him. i would have wanted to follow mother but i have nothing to wear. i cant find the skirt that i wanted to wear. everything single article of clothing that i have, that has been used by my sister will be missing and when i ask her where she says she doesnt know. when i push the qns somemre she will blow up and say that she didnt wear it. when it comes to her clothes, its strictly no touching unless she says so. she justs takes and wears my clothes whenever she feel likes it.
now i seriously need a new wardrobe of my own, one that can be locked. so my items wont go missing. i see no reason why she has to borrow my clothes, esp' my fave black tank top, when she has more clothes than me.
wonder what boyfriends' up to. must remember to msg him later...
till then
sayonara readers :)
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