here i am blogging and at the same time singing along to songs by flyleaf. their songs has become an addiction for me, i feel i can connect to the songs they play. and i am soo in love with LACEY'S vocals and the way she screams in her songs,..... GAWD!! it is like so amazing like hell! here is a tiny secret - i have been trying to scream lke her, and the only song i can do that is when i am singing RED SAM and the part where she screams the word, YOU, i can manage to scream it for awhile before losing my breathe or have my mother scream at me my sister thinks it is ouhkay for a person who hasnt experience in screaming when singing. ouhkay now i dont want to be bragging until my head explodes hees
iym stuck alone at home, my sister when to CP to watch the DEAL OR NO DEAL cast who're making an appearance todae.
my sister and i also decided to celebrate the countdown at CP which is just a ten minute walk from our home, my dad hasnt yet let me and her go to marina to watch the fireworks and celebrate the new year. i think its becos she hasnt turned 16 yet. i remember when i turned 16 he let me have my late nights with my frens but no later then twelve midnight unless i have got a pretty good excuse as to why i was late coming home on that particular night and when i turned 18 he sorta lifted my curfew i guess, i just have to tell him where i am and what time i will be coming home. i dunt take advantage of it cos i know it is hard for him to give me this much of independence, now more than ever cos i have this stupid depression stuck to me like super glue.
Sunday, 30 December 2007
Saturday, 29 December 2007
there was a lot, i mean lot of confessing at our chat session early this morning i think or very early today with MD and NR. well of cos there was alot of crapping going around, which was perfectly normal for our chat sessions. ;D
the day SH was admitted into hospital was also the day that two of my frens got admitted too.
one was becos he was involved in a motorcycle accident and the other was becos he was at the wrong time and at the wrong place, he was beaten up becos of a mistake in identity, if i went home few minutes later i would be in hospital right now, it reminds me how fragile life is and how fragile i can be . i kinda felt guilty becos i didnt persuade him well enough to accompany me home. i visited him just now in the morning with a fren, thank goodness he is doing fine just a few ugly bruises here and there.
and he actually said he wished he were to listen to me and accompany me back home so he wouldnt be in that state right now. hees
i find it kinda funny but iym glad that he is ok and that it was nothing serious.
the day SH was admitted into hospital was also the day that two of my frens got admitted too.
one was becos he was involved in a motorcycle accident and the other was becos he was at the wrong time and at the wrong place, he was beaten up becos of a mistake in identity, if i went home few minutes later i would be in hospital right now, it reminds me how fragile life is and how fragile i can be . i kinda felt guilty becos i didnt persuade him well enough to accompany me home. i visited him just now in the morning with a fren, thank goodness he is doing fine just a few ugly bruises here and there.
and he actually said he wished he were to listen to me and accompany me back home so he wouldnt be in that state right now. hees
i find it kinda funny but iym glad that he is ok and that it was nothing serious.
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
went visiting SH at the hospital just now....she was admitted a few days ago, she has a brain nfection but doesnt seem like it cos basically she didna look sick.....she was laughing soo much that i wudnt be surprised if the drips were to detach from her wrist, and she had way too many chocs in her possession. HARHAHAR
we left the hosp arnd 4+ i think, nt sure cos was daydreaming and gfs went to eat at LJS @ EASTPOINT. then we went walking arnd eastpoint...then after that went to tamp mall follow MD go buy cake for someones bdae, forgot who's...then i went to cosway point with sissie...
now at home, waiting for dearest to call, i cant call him cos he said must wait for him to call becos he said sumtink about sumtink which iym not sure of...its just military stuff i guess
i mish him truckloads sobsob
i guess thats all
bye ppl
much love
we left the hosp arnd 4+ i think, nt sure cos was daydreaming and gfs went to eat at LJS @ EASTPOINT. then we went walking arnd eastpoint...then after that went to tamp mall follow MD go buy cake for someones bdae, forgot who's...then i went to cosway point with sissie...
now at home, waiting for dearest to call, i cant call him cos he said must wait for him to call becos he said sumtink about sumtink which iym not sure of...its just military stuff i guess
i mish him truckloads sobsob
i guess thats all
bye ppl
much love
Sunday, 23 December 2007
Saturday, 22 December 2007
The rituals of romance are important to you. And for that reason, if the object of your affections doesn't appreciate the value of things like red roses and candlelight dinners, they might not hold your interest for very long. However, you're not just looking for a thoughtful date who appreciates romantic gestures. You seek a deeper emotional bond.Once you find that special love, you'll probably be the first to declare that you're head-over-heels rather than hold back you're emotions. After all, what good is being in love if you can't share it?
You're comfortable in social situations that fluster other people. It is in part this ease is that makes you a catch for potential partners. You like to take time to really get to know the people in your life, especially your romantic partner. Your challenge is to make sure that you get what you want out of the time and energy you've invested.
Whether you planned it or not, you just can't help but follow your feelings when it comes to matters of l'amour. You're a passionate person who can't ignore things that fit you to a T — whether it's that perfect pair of jeans, a good cause, or the love of a lifetime.
Sure, things don't always go according to plan, but with an irrepressible drive like yours, you'd better get used to it! Living life as a fake just isn't in the cards for you. So open up your arms and embrace what life throws your way — especially if it happens to be the man of your dreams!
You don't need us to tell you that you're on the right track. A cool and confident person, you know what you want; now it's just a matter of finding it. Even more important, you know that love is about much more than what kind of clothes they wear or car they drive. And you're ready to make it work.
You've gotten to a place where you are happy with your life, and you're ready to share it with someone special. So whether you've found them or are still looking, know that this time, you'll get what you want.
had absolutely nothing to do so i posted this tests results..enjoy the read.
todae was a fun day ..
went out with my super cool aunty along with my cuzzie and sister.
ouh yarhs we call this aunt of ours, MAMANISA.
guess where we went to eat.hees
we actually went all the way to changi village in the afternoon to have our lunch xD
we just went there to ttaste the ayam penyet again..and it tastes twice more delish than the first time i tasted
went that far just to have lunch lyk wth rite....hees
niwaes my aunt says we shud do this more often, go out sumplace to try out food together...
it was cool becos we told each other stupid bawdy jokes and laughed our heads off (figuratively speaking of cos..)
&&&& gosh the ocean breeze just now was superb felt lke i wanted to sink into the sand and not get up...of cos when my sister's atnd she will start cam whoring which she did but thank god it wasnt excessively done...
but i still prefer the beaches at SENTOSA, they are that much cleaner than the beaches we have here in the mainland..
blog later..
went out with my super cool aunty along with my cuzzie and sister.
ouh yarhs we call this aunt of ours, MAMANISA.
guess where we went to eat.hees
we actually went all the way to changi village in the afternoon to have our lunch xD
we just went there to ttaste the ayam penyet again..and it tastes twice more delish than the first time i tasted
went that far just to have lunch lyk wth rite....hees
niwaes my aunt says we shud do this more often, go out sumplace to try out food together...
it was cool becos we told each other stupid bawdy jokes and laughed our heads off (figuratively speaking of cos..)
&&&& gosh the ocean breeze just now was superb felt lke i wanted to sink into the sand and not get up...of cos when my sister's atnd she will start cam whoring which she did but thank god it wasnt excessively done...
but i still prefer the beaches at SENTOSA, they are that much cleaner than the beaches we have here in the mainland..
blog later..
Friday, 21 December 2007
had fun todae with my gfs at marina square.
got pics but those can be viewed via my frenster profile....
ate at ljs...had a food passing session....MD to me, and me to NZ...
NZ had to bring home the leftover fries..hahahaha...
ouh yarhs,
SH went to hospital the other day, didna know about it until todae, i think she is doing fine, judging from the way NR spoke to her she shud be fine luh...hehees
hope she gets well soon...
Thursday, 20 December 2007
Did Nothing Much
1)Went to changi village to eat ' ayam penyet ' & it was so delish .....&& very spicy too.
2)saw this huge , fat , adorable cat there and boy was it really huge .
3)went to my granny's house , meet my fave cousins there , we chilled .
4)then i go home ouhkay .
2)saw this huge , fat , adorable cat there and boy was it really huge .
3)went to my granny's house , meet my fave cousins there , we chilled .
4)then i go home ouhkay .
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
YEAYSS!!! i finally got a new phone..even though it wasnt the N81 that i wanted ( my daddy has that phone now luh..) i still got a new phone..ouh ouh the model is Nokia 6121 classic....its blue in color and it has functions lyk my sissie's new music express phone 5300...her color is black and white and oh so vintage baby!!!...finally can stop searching for my missing back cover for my old phone
ouh yarhs saw an ex classmate at CP just now with his sister...he hasbt changed much , we chatted for awhile, he asked how the class was doing and asked about certain ppl...says he wants to go back to school and stuff.. good for him luhh. hope he can manage to come back to skool nxt year...gosh i forgot to name him...ppl reading this blog shud know iym talking about Zulfadli...if not then just forget about this whole paragraph u have been reading, ja??
well im off to bed now.
ouh yarhs saw an ex classmate at CP just now with his sister...he hasbt changed much , we chatted for awhile, he asked how the class was doing and asked about certain ppl...says he wants to go back to school and stuff.. good for him luhh. hope he can manage to come back to skool nxt year...gosh i forgot to name him...ppl reading this blog shud know iym talking about Zulfadli...if not then just forget about this whole paragraph u have been reading, ja??
well im off to bed now.
Monday, 17 December 2007
just now watched ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS with my cuzzie, Irah, can say it was a belated bdae treat lah..i think ...hees
it was totally cute especially the three main characters, Alvin, Simon & Theodore.
btw Jesse McCartney was the voice of KAWAII LAH all of them.....i want to bring them home lah ...couldnt stop giggling to myself throughout the whole movie. it is a must watch for those of you who are fans of cute cuddly furry tiny creatures. you'll go -awwww- once the movie starts and till it ends...okay maybe that was an exaggeration but you will definitely go-awwww- more than once while watching the movie ;D
now waiting for HEROES to start...&& iym thirsty lah
be blogging tml......much love ppl..
it was totally cute especially the three main characters, Alvin, Simon & Theodore.
btw Jesse McCartney was the voice of KAWAII LAH all of them.....i want to bring them home lah ...couldnt stop giggling to myself throughout the whole movie. it is a must watch for those of you who are fans of cute cuddly furry tiny creatures. you'll go -awwww- once the movie starts and till it ends...okay maybe that was an exaggeration but you will definitely go-awwww- more than once while watching the movie ;D
now waiting for HEROES to start...&& iym thirsty lah
be blogging tml......much love ppl..
i totally take back what i said yesterday about hady not having a chance of winning asian idol. GAWD!! was i surprised that he actually took home the title of ASIAN IDOL. me and my sister thought that jaclyn could have taken home the title but when the hosts announced hady's name instead of her's, there was literally an awkward silence at home. we did not hear any excited screams from the neighbouring blocks, so i guess, not everybody expected hady to bring home the title and the glory of being the first asian idol. after that , my sister and me had a conversation about the whole thing, it was a funny conversation now that i think about it...ehehh
basically this is how the convo went....
me: can u lyk belive it nad..he ACTUALLY won , like he is the ASIAN IDOL now.
sissie : i still cant believe he wom luh, thought that jaclyn could have won....kinda wierd cos no one cheered..
me : like i cant believe it...( awkward silence )
sissie : i oso cant luh...
me : i guess _____ is totally happy huh rite now..
sissie: she must be lyk jumping up and down rite now luh
me: i still cant believe it lah!!!
sissie : i know ledi lah....can u not repeat.
me : eyy , ouhkay fine. ( a bit irritated now )
sissie : i still cant believe it lah ( smiling cheekily )
me : now who's repeating?! ( smacked her head )
then we had a short rumble and tumble session bfore i finally went to sleep.
had a nice sleep , like reallly nice and woke up at around eleven am...hees
well blog later ppl bye
basically this is how the convo went....
me: can u lyk belive it nad..he ACTUALLY won , like he is the ASIAN IDOL now.
sissie : i still cant believe he wom luh, thought that jaclyn could have won....kinda wierd cos no one cheered..
me : like i cant believe it...( awkward silence )
sissie : i oso cant luh...
me : i guess _____ is totally happy huh rite now..
sissie: she must be lyk jumping up and down rite now luh
me: i still cant believe it lah!!!
sissie : i know ledi lah....can u not repeat.
me : eyy , ouhkay fine. ( a bit irritated now )
sissie : i still cant believe it lah ( smiling cheekily )
me : now who's repeating?! ( smacked her head )
then we had a short rumble and tumble session bfore i finally went to sleep.
had a nice sleep , like reallly nice and woke up at around eleven am...hees
well blog later ppl bye
Sunday, 16 December 2007
just finished watching snow dogs....OMG!! those siberian huskies are just so kawaii luh.i want one luh ;D
niwaes now in the middle of watching asian idol. frankly after seeing and hearing the competition, our idol doesnt have a chance of winning the competition- sorry to all the hady fans yarhs-iym rooting for the malaysian idol and the indonesian idol, for me they have the greatest sounding vocals yesterday nite...but i congratulate our singapore idol for representing us in asian idol, hope you have a blessed career hady.
aiyah so bored at home, now listening to flyleaf while watching t.v and blogging at the same time.
i thank god that my parents are not IT savvy, else i have to answer to all the posts that i have in my blog......THAT will be an absolute disaster.
niwaes now in the middle of watching asian idol. frankly after seeing and hearing the competition, our idol doesnt have a chance of winning the competition- sorry to all the hady fans yarhs-iym rooting for the malaysian idol and the indonesian idol, for me they have the greatest sounding vocals yesterday nite...but i congratulate our singapore idol for representing us in asian idol, hope you have a blessed career hady.
aiyah so bored at home, now listening to flyleaf while watching t.v and blogging at the same time.
i thank god that my parents are not IT savvy, else i have to answer to all the posts that i have in my blog......THAT will be an absolute disaster.
just returned from sunday classes, stupid exam dates clashed with the cuzzie outing....totally missing out on the fun *sighs*
the paper just now was pretty easy, felt like it was a waste of time doing it ..i feel lyk quiting my sunday classes. if i do i won t hear anything else from my mom, thus
the reason iym just going to sunday classes for her sake..when iym at class i just listen if i feel i cannot understand a word the lecturer is talking about i just turn myself off. next week is the last day for my papers and a week off from sunday classes..iym so gna enjoy that week on holiday....
it its confirmed that iym going for an extended holiday for now luh.....this week going to batam then after my exams i will be going off to k.l to spend the remainder of my hols..well thats what my mom says luh. i so want iti too come true soo badly. it will be a great way to think about stuff during my holidays....and a lot of stuff i have to think about and those stuff i will be thinking about hopefully there is a solution so i wunt be so stressed when i come back from my holidays knowing that i have solutions to my problems. i know it will make living more bearable becos i tried to help myself
the paper just now was pretty easy, felt like it was a waste of time doing it ..i feel lyk quiting my sunday classes. if i do i won t hear anything else from my mom, thus
the reason iym just going to sunday classes for her sake..when iym at class i just listen if i feel i cannot understand a word the lecturer is talking about i just turn myself off. next week is the last day for my papers and a week off from sunday classes..iym so gna enjoy that week on holiday....
it its confirmed that iym going for an extended holiday for now luh.....this week going to batam then after my exams i will be going off to k.l to spend the remainder of my hols..well thats what my mom says luh. i so want iti too come true soo badly. it will be a great way to think about stuff during my holidays....and a lot of stuff i have to think about and those stuff i will be thinking about hopefully there is a solution so i wunt be so stressed when i come back from my holidays knowing that i have solutions to my problems. i know it will make living more bearable becos i tried to help myself
Saturday, 15 December 2007
going off on holiday soon but idk when the date is...
probly wunt get to work this term hols cos i want to go on that road trip to k.l with my sis and stay for about two weeks, i really need this holiday but i hope to comeback before christmas want to meet dearest at amk hub...anyone want to follow??? i can hide ppl in my pocket or or sumwhere
boring day, did nothing much except go to my granny's house, soo long never visit her...mish her very the much..
my granny is one amazing lady...well usually old people whine about this and that and do what old people do but she's is different...having recently losing her husband to old age,...yeah i mish my gramps like alot, i mish hii sense of humor and we wud talk whenever i come over to visit them both....he left us on the 07/07/07 to be with the ALMIGHTY. hope he rests in peace ...
idk how to put it in words but she is just an amazing lady to me... i love her soo much...
tml my sis and bro are going off for the cuzzie outing which is happening at ESCAPE THEME PARK...&& i cant go becos i have exams tml, darmn it, totally clash with my funtime *sighs*
iym gonna rot of boredom doing my paper and thinking of the extreme fun thy are gonna have tml...sobsob
hmmm.. i feel hungry again..i shud really stop my binge eating cos i will oni become fatter and fatter...*sighs*
well thats all i guess...bye ppl ;D
probly wunt get to work this term hols cos i want to go on that road trip to k.l with my sis and stay for about two weeks, i really need this holiday but i hope to comeback before christmas want to meet dearest at amk hub...anyone want to follow??? i can hide ppl in my pocket or or sumwhere
boring day, did nothing much except go to my granny's house, soo long never visit her...mish her very the much..
my granny is one amazing lady...well usually old people whine about this and that and do what old people do but she's is different...having recently losing her husband to old age,...yeah i mish my gramps like alot, i mish hii sense of humor and we wud talk whenever i come over to visit them both....he left us on the 07/07/07 to be with the ALMIGHTY. hope he rests in peace ...
idk how to put it in words but she is just an amazing lady to me... i love her soo much...
tml my sis and bro are going off for the cuzzie outing which is happening at ESCAPE THEME PARK...&& i cant go becos i have exams tml, darmn it, totally clash with my funtime *sighs*
iym gonna rot of boredom doing my paper and thinking of the extreme fun thy are gonna have tml...sobsob
hmmm.. i feel hungry again..i shud really stop my binge eating cos i will oni become fatter and fatter...*sighs*
well thats all i guess...bye ppl ;D
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Monday, 10 December 2007
Sunday, 9 December 2007
1) my aunt has finally moved her stuff out of my brother's room and into one of her children's home, which means that she will be moving pretty soon. i cant wait because now my room wont be soo stuffed with her stuff. not that iym whining about the lack of space in my room but no privacy for a whole year because her makeup stuff is in my room. well u get the idea.....
this also means that i can finally redecorate my room, which is, sort of, a tradition for me and my sis, now that the bulk of stuff is gone... i can finally breathe again...
2) iym cleaning my room, correction am still cleaning my room. took a short break to blog....
only left to lipat the baju which is my duty becos i havent been helping out properly..hehs....this doesnt mean iym lazy okay... iym just tired getting home from classes and todae was lyk raining the whole day....
better get back to work before mother screams at me, again. =D
1) my aunt has finally moved her stuff out of my brother's room and into one of her children's home, which means that she will be moving pretty soon. i cant wait because now my room wont be soo stuffed with her stuff. not that iym whining about the lack of space in my room but no privacy for a whole year because her makeup stuff is in my room. well u get the idea.....
this also means that i can finally redecorate my room, which is, sort of, a tradition for me and my sis, now that the bulk of stuff is gone... i can finally breathe again...
2) iym cleaning my room, correction am still cleaning my room. took a short break to blog....
only left to lipat the baju which is my duty becos i havent been helping out properly..hehs....this doesnt mean iym lazy okay... iym just tired getting home from classes and todae was lyk raining the whole day....
better get back to work before mother screams at me, again. =D
Saturday, 8 December 2007
hmmm tdae woke up late ....again....debated with myself whether or not i wanted to go to my aunts house for a family gathering that was happening there...
made up my mind cos my sister wanted to go...
and totally had fun there becos it has been a long time since i had fun with them && next sat will be going to escape theme park for a cuzzie outing with all of them...
we all had such a laugh just now talking and joking about stuff...&& almost spilled my guts again becos it just so happened that one of my cuzzies was off her meds ( figuratively speaking..)
becos she totally just shoot off her mouth making stupid but sarcastic remarks about everything....i soooo cannot wait for nxt weeks cuzzie outing...
i wonder when or whether there will be a cuzzie outing on my fathers side...the last time we went out together we almost got into very huge trouble, and boy.. the adrenaline rush was just i was at loss for words then and now becos theres too much too explain ...hehe
there wsa no crime committed, we just totali lost ourselves in our mischieviousness... i can still remember that i , literally was rolling on the ground laughing myself into a fit because it was just so pricelessly funny
made up my mind cos my sister wanted to go...
and totally had fun there becos it has been a long time since i had fun with them && next sat will be going to escape theme park for a cuzzie outing with all of them...
we all had such a laugh just now talking and joking about stuff...&& almost spilled my guts again becos it just so happened that one of my cuzzies was off her meds ( figuratively speaking..)
becos she totally just shoot off her mouth making stupid but sarcastic remarks about everything....i soooo cannot wait for nxt weeks cuzzie outing...
i wonder when or whether there will be a cuzzie outing on my fathers side...the last time we went out together we almost got into very huge trouble, and boy.. the adrenaline rush was just i was at loss for words then and now becos theres too much too explain ...hehe
there wsa no crime committed, we just totali lost ourselves in our mischieviousness... i can still remember that i , literally was rolling on the ground laughing myself into a fit because it was just so pricelessly funny
Friday, 7 December 2007
this day is by far the most funniest and most stomach hurting of days ( does tht even make sense??)...
this skool day started out pretty normal, came to skool early for a change and waited for gfs to arrive and then waited for lecture to begin .....& as per usual fell asleep halfway thru the lecture, woke up for a bit and found tht my gfs were still dozing then i promptly placed my sleepy head back on the table......MB lecture was so bloody boring.......lyk stupidly boring..
had our lunch sorta in a rush cos we had to be at the lab for our MB practical lesn by 1015 and it was already 945.....
then in Mb practical....things started to lift up a bit...
it all started between MD & NR....scribbling on each others paper while trying to protect the sanctity of their own .....i guess that was the on switch for the laugh fest in the lab.....
iym laughing thinking about how to write todays event...but for me the funniest was when MD took NR's hp and tried to throw it in the biohazard bin &&&& wen NR tore MD's labcoat trying to take back her hp i think.....
SH and i cud onli laugh myself to fits because it wwas just so frigging hilarious......
and then we also had another laugh fest in the toilet..of all places...this part of the day i soo have no idea how to put in words but all i can say is that it was......
AAAHHH!!!iym so happy rite now and it lasted tillnow and that for me is kind of a big deal cos....wel read my bloggie and u wil
ttfn bl0g u later .....:D
this day is by far the most funniest and most stomach hurting of days ( does tht even make sense??)...
this skool day started out pretty normal, came to skool early for a change and waited for gfs to arrive and then waited for lecture to begin .....& as per usual fell asleep halfway thru the lecture, woke up for a bit and found tht my gfs were still dozing then i promptly placed my sleepy head back on the table......MB lecture was so bloody boring.......lyk stupidly boring..
had our lunch sorta in a rush cos we had to be at the lab for our MB practical lesn by 1015 and it was already 945.....
then in Mb practical....things started to lift up a bit...
it all started between MD & NR....scribbling on each others paper while trying to protect the sanctity of their own .....i guess that was the on switch for the laugh fest in the lab.....
iym laughing thinking about how to write todays event...but for me the funniest was when MD took NR's hp and tried to throw it in the biohazard bin &&&& wen NR tore MD's labcoat trying to take back her hp i think.....
SH and i cud onli laugh myself to fits because it wwas just so frigging hilarious......
and then we also had another laugh fest in the toilet..of all places...this part of the day i soo have no idea how to put in words but all i can say is that it was......
AAAHHH!!!iym so happy rite now and it lasted tillnow and that for me is kind of a big deal cos....wel read my bloggie and u wil
ttfn bl0g u later .....:D
Thursday, 6 December 2007
this day sucks since yesterday..sure everything was fun in the afternoon with my gfs at expo's mega john little sale
the moment i stepped into the house the happiness left me in a breeze...just looking at the condition of the kitchen I took the time to clean made my blood boil ...and i am so confident as to who was responsible for the mess.....that person cant even take a plastic bag from the corner and put it in the bin before throwing waste food into it ..
but nooo....
he just threw it in their for the rest of us to do it PROPERLY FOR HIM
dammit that is just so stupid ur lyk older thzn me and u act as if iym ur maid,
stupid fucker. and i call you my cousin. pfffttt!!!
i could have blogged about this yesteray nite but chose not too because i didna know wat and how to even begin blogging...
i cried because i couldnt go to sleep
and i cried myself to sleep because i couldnt go to sleep...
i tried many things but it doesnt have the effect i want
&& i cried wen i woke up becos i didnt wake up when iym suppossed to wake up...
now feel lyk crying again cos i dun have control over my life, ...
its like this depression is a controlling me more and more each passing day
and its harder and harder for me to be happy not to mention harder for me to wake up and get to sleep and just enjoy the little things in life to the fullest ...
cant blog no more, feel anxious all of a sudden lyk something bad is gonna happen
the moment i stepped into the house the happiness left me in a breeze...just looking at the condition of the kitchen I took the time to clean made my blood boil ...and i am so confident as to who was responsible for the mess.....that person cant even take a plastic bag from the corner and put it in the bin before throwing waste food into it ..
but nooo....
he just threw it in their for the rest of us to do it PROPERLY FOR HIM
dammit that is just so stupid ur lyk older thzn me and u act as if iym ur maid,
stupid fucker. and i call you my cousin. pfffttt!!!
i could have blogged about this yesteray nite but chose not too because i didna know wat and how to even begin blogging...
i cried because i couldnt go to sleep
and i cried myself to sleep because i couldnt go to sleep...
i tried many things but it doesnt have the effect i want
&& i cried wen i woke up becos i didnt wake up when iym suppossed to wake up...
now feel lyk crying again cos i dun have control over my life, ...
its like this depression is a controlling me more and more each passing day
and its harder and harder for me to be happy not to mention harder for me to wake up and get to sleep and just enjoy the little things in life to the fullest ...
cant blog no more, feel anxious all of a sudden lyk something bad is gonna happen
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
i wanna say a belated and a very big THANK YOU!!!
to all my gfs who took the time to buy me bdae desserts on the 30th of nov....&& i soo like the lilo and stitch themed bdae card that all of you made for me filled with all the bdae wishes.
to all my gfs who took the time to buy me bdae desserts on the 30th of nov....&& i soo like the lilo and stitch themed bdae card that all of you made for me filled with all the bdae wishes.
thanks for celebrating my bdae girls. i really appreciate it.
* smile bigbig *
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
todae...i had a break down in skool ( of all places )...all because i was so fucking stressed...i was unable to do the practical test and got all stressed up becos of that, stupid ain't it...hmmm...i won't score for any more of my future tests becos i cant seem to concentrate when iym at skool or wen i try to revise at home, wat the point of me coming for and atending lessons if my brain isnt really absorbing wat iym learning and keeping it there, sure i can do it but wen i want to revise at night, it just goes out the window like...WHOOSH!
i was so frustrated, damn frustrated.....and losing my independence becos of my depression is the one thing that hurts me most, i have always been independent and always there for others even if it meant burdening myself with their problems, the mistake that i made was to listen to anyone who has problems but that has got to change someway or the other becos it is soo not helping my depression get better, in fact i'd say my depression is getting worse and worse....and fruther more iym stil waiting for my psychie to call so i can start my treatment posthaste becos i need it now more than ever after this morning's emotional scene....
i dun knw why but iym a private sort of person and am soo not use to telling people my problems or darkset secrets, even to peole who are the closest to me but i have to change this mindset of mine for the better lest i risk losing friends that havc been there for me all this while.
does it make me a monster becos iym not used to sharing but onli used to listening to others, does it makes me a freak becos of this disease that iym burdened with...not only am i burdening my parents but everyone else around me,
oh... wen will my bout with depression end? i am still waitng for my psychie to give me a call for treatment.....
gawd!!!iym such a freaking monster
somebody just push from the top of a building to make this pain go away and never return.
i was so frustrated, damn frustrated.....and losing my independence becos of my depression is the one thing that hurts me most, i have always been independent and always there for others even if it meant burdening myself with their problems, the mistake that i made was to listen to anyone who has problems but that has got to change someway or the other becos it is soo not helping my depression get better, in fact i'd say my depression is getting worse and worse....and fruther more iym stil waiting for my psychie to call so i can start my treatment posthaste becos i need it now more than ever after this morning's emotional scene....
i dun knw why but iym a private sort of person and am soo not use to telling people my problems or darkset secrets, even to peole who are the closest to me but i have to change this mindset of mine for the better lest i risk losing friends that havc been there for me all this while.
does it make me a monster becos iym not used to sharing but onli used to listening to others, does it makes me a freak becos of this disease that iym burdened with...not only am i burdening my parents but everyone else around me,
oh... wen will my bout with depression end? i am still waitng for my psychie to give me a call for treatment.....
gawd!!!iym such a freaking monster
somebody just push from the top of a building to make this pain go away and never return.
Monday, 26 November 2007
and obviously iym darn happy and she bought me a advanced birthday prezzie ;) *hint hint
she came back and iym happy... wait i said that already, jus shows how much i missed her and our nightly sharing sessions.....
well the convo went like this,
me: eyy!! u back oreadi i thought u was missing ?
sissie : wat sia! lyk that i just came back u knw
me: sori luh niwaes how was the trip??
sissie : it was cool and guess wat ....
me: wat?!
sissie: i wanna wish u happy advanced birthday...nah here is ur prezzie
and she gave me this cute looking pencil case...&& the rest is history
iym just glad to have her back...
*hint hint birthday in 4 more days ppl!!
and obviously iym darn happy and she bought me a advanced birthday prezzie ;) *hint hint
she came back and iym happy... wait i said that already, jus shows how much i missed her and our nightly sharing sessions.....
well the convo went like this,
me: eyy!! u back oreadi i thought u was missing ?
sissie : wat sia! lyk that i just came back u knw
me: sori luh niwaes how was the trip??
sissie : it was cool and guess wat ....
me: wat?!
sissie: i wanna wish u happy advanced birthday...nah here is ur prezzie
and she gave me this cute looking pencil case...&& the rest is history
iym just glad to have her back...
*hint hint birthday in 4 more days ppl!!
Sunday, 25 November 2007
boohoo :*(
my cat, lucky is sick, very sick....
that's what my father told me luh and after seeing it for myself i agreed with him...
aww my poor kitty cat....he hasn't been eating well and is so weak that he just lays on the floor feeling absolutely dreadful for himself i suppose...need to bring dear Lucky to the vet as soon as possible.... but no cash on me. how sey like that.
hope he gets well soon if my lil brother were to stop disturbing him every waking hour. sheesh!
my cat, lucky is sick, very sick....
that's what my father told me luh and after seeing it for myself i agreed with him...
aww my poor kitty cat....he hasn't been eating well and is so weak that he just lays on the floor feeling absolutely dreadful for himself i suppose...need to bring dear Lucky to the vet as soon as possible.... but no cash on me. how sey like that.
hope he gets well soon if my lil brother were to stop disturbing him every waking hour. sheesh!
i finally finished with my speech for tomorrow's hcms lesson. y we even have this class i dun know, it isn't a part of our modules and frankly i think its a bloody waste of time...i could have been at home and resting not having to stay in skool until so late in the afternoon...
my speech is about wildlife conservation and how we can help by simple activities such as the recycling of paper....its a topic close to my heart and of cos i find it easy to do, well even though i did a lot of cut and paste from the internet website.....but at least i hve completed it right??
kinda bored cos i have nothing more, else to do
i finally finished with my speech for tomorrow's hcms lesson. y we even have this class i dun know, it isn't a part of our modules and frankly i think its a bloody waste of time...i could have been at home and resting not having to stay in skool until so late in the afternoon...
my speech is about wildlife conservation and how we can help by simple activities such as the recycling of paper....its a topic close to my heart and of cos i find it easy to do, well even though i did a lot of cut and paste from the internet website.....but at least i hve completed it right??
kinda bored cos i have nothing more, else to do
Saturday, 24 November 2007
changed my blogskin like three times this week...
Jamie, sori for being so fickle about my blog and sori for changing it after u did it for me....gawd!! iym so fickle nowadays && hopefully i stick to this skin for the meanwhile....
nothing much has been happening, eventhough i haven't blogged for a long time....
well basically the bigges news is that iym depressed...even i cant believe that iym depressed
i dun think gerls my age get depressed....and i wanna thank the ministry of education for making me depressed...THANKS ALOT YARHS, NOW I CAN-not- TOTALLY COPE WITH MY STUDIES! lols
kk thats it byes
ouh ouh....i think it's nice luh cos i did it LOLS
Jamie, sori for being so fickle about my blog and sori for changing it after u did it for me....gawd!! iym so fickle nowadays && hopefully i stick to this skin for the meanwhile....
nothing much has been happening, eventhough i haven't blogged for a long time....
well basically the bigges news is that iym depressed...even i cant believe that iym depressed
i dun think gerls my age get depressed....and i wanna thank the ministry of education for making me depressed...THANKS ALOT YARHS, NOW I CAN-not- TOTALLY COPE WITH MY STUDIES! lols
kk thats it byes
ouh ouh....i think it's nice luh cos i did it LOLS
Friday, 23 November 2007
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