Saturday, 8 December 2007

hmmm tdae woke up late ....again....debated with myself whether or not i wanted to go to my aunts house for a family gathering that was happening there...
made up my mind cos my sister wanted to go...

and totally had fun there becos it has been a long time since i had fun with them && next sat will be going to escape theme park for a cuzzie outing with all of them...
we all had such a laugh just now talking and joking about stuff...&& almost spilled my guts again becos it just so happened that one of my cuzzies was off her meds ( figuratively speaking..)
becos she totally just shoot off her mouth making stupid but sarcastic remarks about everything....i soooo cannot wait for nxt weeks cuzzie outing...

i wonder when or whether there will be a cuzzie outing on my fathers side...the last time we went out together we almost got into very huge trouble, and boy.. the adrenaline rush was just i was at loss for words then and now becos theres too much too explain ...hehe

there wsa no crime committed, we just totali lost ourselves in our mischieviousness... i can still remember that i , literally was rolling on the ground laughing myself into a fit because it was just so pricelessly funny

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