Saturday, 22 December 2007

Take this test!

The rituals of romance are important to you. And for that reason, if the object of your affections doesn't appreciate the value of things like red roses and candlelight dinners, they might not hold your interest for very long. However, you're not just looking for a thoughtful date who appreciates romantic gestures. You seek a deeper emotional bond.Once you find that special love, you'll probably be the first to declare that you're head-over-heels rather than hold back you're emotions. After all, what good is being in love if you can't share it?

Take this test!

You're comfortable in social situations that fluster other people. It is in part this ease is that makes you a catch for potential partners. You like to take time to really get to know the people in your life, especially your romantic partner. Your challenge is to make sure that you get what you want out of the time and energy you've invested.

Take this test!

Whether you planned it or not, you just can't help but follow your feelings when it comes to matters of l'amour. You're a passionate person who can't ignore things that fit you to a T — whether it's that perfect pair of jeans, a good cause, or the love of a lifetime.

Sure, things don't always go according to plan, but with an irrepressible drive like yours, you'd better get used to it! Living life as a fake just isn't in the cards for you. So open up your arms and embrace what life throws your way — especially if it happens to be the man of your dreams!

Take this test!

You don't need us to tell you that you're on the right track. A cool and confident person, you know what you want; now it's just a matter of finding it. Even more important, you know that love is about much more than what kind of clothes they wear or car they drive. And you're ready to make it work.

You've gotten to a place where you are happy with your life, and you're ready to share it with someone special. So whether you've found them or are still looking, know that this time, you'll get what you want.

had absolutely nothing to do so i posted this tests results..enjoy the read.

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