apparently, there is a lot of things going on at work, shall not elaborate but let's just say that working life is like high school all over again.
you know when you start talking about other people's behaviours, and when you find that a certain person isn't what you think he/she really is based on another's opinion and all that jazz-lah. i do not exempt myself from the following circumstances, 'cos let's face it I'm only human and more or less we all tend to fall in the same pattern or trend. even the most realist of persons will end up in the same boat.
I'm a realist and i have fallen into the same boat more than once, it really saddens me when that happens 'cos i swore to myself long ago that i will not judge someone based on another's opinion 'cos i know how it feels to be judged by others pretty much my whole life. phew, long sentence aye.
however, I'm still pretty much human and humans are prone to mistakes. not that i have ever valiantly tried to paint myself in a better light for everyone else to see. if i ever have done that please do tell me.
anyways the point I'm trying to make is that a person is innocent until proven guilty and that is with enough evidence and all that jazz. that's according to me at least, even if the person is proven guilty then it is his/her problem. we still have no right to judge. leave that to God.
i guess I'm always okay with everyone and anyone around me. and i daresay, even if the person has made me miserable before.
sister always did say that I'm just too nice sometimes. just too nice that i let people step on my head. but i prefer to let karma do the heavy work for me.
so what if people like to step on my head, so what if people continue to try and make my life miserable, so what if people talk about me w/o knowing who i really am and so what if people just don't like me, plain and simple. I've been there and done it, to other people and karma was a bitch in stilettos with a poisoned whip and i do not plan to meet Her again, ever again. meeting Karma probably changed me into a realist so much so that i seem to not care what opinions other have made of me.
let's just say I've learned to become deaf in the situations involving myself.
bah! another lengthy worded post which will make me wonder why i even started typing it in the first place. let's go back to revising for my final theory test, which is next week by the way, over my hot cup of McCafe Cino. :)
p/s: being a realist is not a title i gave myself but one that i accepted nonetheless after the most important of people in my world suggested that it fits me the most after i opened up to her about most of my teenage life. She's my Mother, by the way.