Wednesday, 19 May 2010

new books! but too bad i've done reading them. ..

i bought these 2 titles just two days ago, and i'm already done reading them. if i'm going to be buying and reading books in one day, i'll have a library collection by the time the year ends. definitely going to be needing new bookshelves pretty soon.

anyways, the two books are addictive and the writing style and content of the books were nicely put in place. i'll be buying the 2nd and 3rd book of the Wicked series prolly by the end of the month and will be waiting for Awakened, which is the 8th book out of the HON series to be out in stores.

not wanting to sound selfish, i also bought a new title for babybro. he's, recently, into the Percy Jackson books. i think he got interested in it since he didn't get to catch the movie with me. so i bought him the 2nd title on account that he passed his mid year's exams.

i also promised that i'll buy him the whole series next month. actually i made a deal with him, if he can finish wrapping all my 13 books i'll buy him the series as soon as he's done wrapping.

i guess i'm done. i would have wanted to blog about how much i hate work - fucking hate it!, and how pissed i am for not getting my leave approved - fucking pissed 'cos i'm not over it yet but i know it will prolly do me no good 'cos apparently they won't know how much we suffer unless they do what we do every single day.

i'm done, no sense getting angry when there's no one to vent it on.

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