Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Random events

the past week at work, well it wasn't that great. the computer system had to go berserk and i had to deal with impatient people. seriously people. we can't clear you if the system goes haywire. you just have to learn to be a little bit more patient. cooperation is much needed from you guys. thank goodness some people understand the situation and don't mind waiting just a little bit longer.

anywho, here are some pictures of our furry friends taken a few days ago.

first there is this cat who sorts of strays around my estate. and whenever i come back from my afternoon shift she always happens to be under my block and she will follow me into the lift and up to my house to ask for food. i swear i find that cute. i think she should be an adolescent female cat. a nice subtle grey colour. reminds me of Luckylove abit though Luckylove didn't have a long tail.

the pictures aren't that clear 'cos i was using my phone's camera and i forgot to turn on the flash.

well anyways, the next pictures are of the present my parent's bought for my cousin. a dwarf rabbit. it's an adorable little thing. i absolutely love the feel of it's soft fur and the colour of it's fur. the rabbit doesn't grow that big since it's a crossbreed. and, my cousin named it Lela. spoil sikit tapi takpe rabbit tu tetap cute and adorable.

okay, i'm done :)

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