Tuesday, 1 July 2008

nothing much happened today, did the housechores mostly and only because i have nothing better else to do. thought of washing all the six kitties but i wasnt in the mood to get drenched in the process.

dad gave me a sarcastic comment when he came home from work while i was vacuuming the house, " wah, rajin nampak. betol ke nie anak aku. " pffft!! thanks alot dad, just the motivation i needed to clean the house. sheesh. my dad shows his love for me in a weird way sometimes.

anyways, i reserved three books from the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. the titles are Twilight (reading it again cause i didnt absorb the storyline enough, hee), New Moon and Eclipse. the final book in the series titled Breaking Dawn will be out in August, in the US that is, for S'pore i'm not that sure. for snippets of all the books from the series that are already out, proceed to Stephenie Meyer's Official Website

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