Monday, 16 April 2012

DIY Brush Cleaner

found the recipe to make brush cleaner through

i finally bought the ingredients needed and mixed them all together. very, very simple recipe. tested the cleaner just now while i was doing some spot cleaning of my dirty brushes. the results were instant.


this is just spot cleaning. i can just picture how cleaner it will be when i do the bi-weekly thorough cleaning. :)

oh and i bought a brush cleaner from MAC recently as well and i found that both works the same in cleaning and disinfecting my brushes. though the MAC one was not as expensive as i first thought, only $20 i think, the idea of having to travel to town just to replace it is not so appealing. whereas for the DIY cleaner, i just need to replace the alcohol which is way nearer than to travel all the way to town.

p/s: i replaced the 91% isopropyl alcohol with 100% denatured alcohol bought from Watsons' comes in a bottle and one bottle is enough for one batch of this DIY brush cleaner. 

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