Friday, 6 April 2012

bad habits

i have this problem with wasting my morning waking up late when its before my night shift and afternoon shifts. i waste time, cos time is precious, by unproductively sleeping in. even when i set an alarm. i'll snooze until, well i cannot snooze anymore. which basically means i ignore the alarm until my body decides to wake up.

the problem with me is i keep my BB too close cos its easier to get to when i hear the alarm. if i out it too far away i'll never hear the alarm. i have yet to find the perfect spot to place it so that i have to get up, no matter what just so i can dismiss the alarm.

its just excuses i know but having wasted my mornings before these particular shifts for the last year plus is starting to make me feel annoyed with myself. i do not like to get annoyed especially when i get annoyed at me.

even when mom wakes me up I'll still not get up unless its my morning shifts.

at my age i should not have to ask my mom to wake me up for work.

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