Tuesday, 24 April 2012

a colleague of mine mentioned this blog post just now while clearing the morning rush. so i thought i would give it a once over to see what it was all about.

saw that another colleague of mine posted it on his facebook and thus i do not have to waste time searching for it.


its kinda sad to read through the post. i kinda know what to expect now when i decide to settle down. even now hearing about how difficult for us citizens to get a house because of property prices increasing so much every single year, same goes for COE prices. sighs.

i very much agree with what my colleague said about how we're severely underpaid, according to rank, in the govt agency I'm currently working for. which is totally not equal to the load of work we do every single shift. employees in the private sector get paid more with the same paper qualification as me. sad that i'm a civil servant yet underpaid.

maybe its about time i search for a new job. a better paying job.

the only regret i have in my life so far is not studying harder. if i did, i would probably be somewhere else doing something i love and providing better for my family. however, there's no use feeling sorry about that. the only thing i can do right now is work with what i have and what I'm given.

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