Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Teacher Myra! Teacher Myra!

the one phrase that i think can sum up the behaviour of my students is, constant irritable drama.

i swear it's like watching a drama in real time. what with the bullying, the telling of stories, the ideas and the sudden explanation of things i really don't need to know. if it was aired on the telly i would title it - Student Care AM-PM Drama. me and my colleague, Audris will be the main protagonists. there's constant breaking up of quarrels, trying to talk sense to the crybabies and just trying to keep the students under control. oh, i just found out today that i can actually use my voice to shout. harhar!

i think it's because the atmosphere is more serious than being a BL- and 'cos i'm getting paid to do my work- , this is because you have to follow a schedule and make sure that the students daily work are completed and after that they can have their own time which is usually trying to annoy the hell out of me. not to worry though, i am getting a hang of it. i managed to do everything on my own 'cos Audris was on leave.

i think i still need a pass since it's a chore to wait for them to open the door for me every time i go out with the kids. i had to borrow a colleague's pass just so i can send and fetch them students to and from, school.

by the way, today's drama was The Case of The Missing Things. it somehow got connected to bullying and a small piece of paper. confusing? you don't know the half of it. trying to talk sense to the morning crybaby was no walk in the park.

God give me strength and more patience.

okay bye! :)

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