the second thing is that i cannot wait to meet the clique and my girls for dinner later. it's been soo long. i'm going to hug them till their spines break. violent, i know but that's we show love and affection. we are having dinner at MacRex. i've never been to that makanplace but i'm looking forward to the food. the food and the company, it will surely be one fun dining experience.
here comes the love letter part.
Dear *insertnamehere*
i don't understand why you can't be more thoughtful and tactful. you demand fairness but you aren't fair to others. you demand freedom but you take advantage of it. you demand respect but you don't show it. you always take but never give.
you say you are capable of taking care of yourself, that you are mature and responsible. but all i see is disappointment and worry lines on their faces. you have to remember that they are getting older every year. they shouldn't have to worry constantly about you anymore because you are getting older yourself. let their worrying rest on the youngest in the house. that's where it should have been the moment you turned 17.
i'm not saying that i'm such a perfect daughter to them but i try. maybe you should try too. then maybe you will get the freedom, the fairness and the respect and trust you deserve. even if they give you a little, just take it.
there are reasons why they don't allow us latenights, they know better. trustme, having your own way will never work unless you learn to take a little and give a little.
all i ask is that you try, yes you. no names need be mentioned here.
lastly, i'm feeling disappointed.
boy, why'd your love has to be so wicked.
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