Saturday, 21 February 2009

bitching session

had a mugging session at T3's McD with nuruz and my sister. got a few tutorials done, then we talked about anything to everything. nonsensical and sensible stuff. we had a great time talking about minahs and mats. we will never exhaust ourselves talking about that topic. there is a lot to talk about when it comes to the M&M's ( read; monyets & monkeys or mats and minahs ).

it makes me sound as if i'm so perfect right, but i know i'm not. at least i know enough not to shame myself in public by wearing poorly colour coordinated clothes, i don't walk around as if i own the place and i certainly don't behave poorly. then again, if every other girl sees a another girl on the streets and calls her a minah, what exactly is a definition of minah? i may not see myself as one anymore but i'm sure i've been labelled a minah when walking about town, especially at the Esplanade area.

go figure lah

i'm off to sleep now, tmrw i've got work then in the afternoon will attend the MDIS open house with the Sachek Inc. ( inside joke uh )


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