Today during BCT prac, we ( Zura, Nana, Zulfah and Me ) made soap. the process of soap making is called Saponification.
its damn cool sia. making our own soap by using veggie oil, ethanol aka alcohol, KOH & NaCl.
it took us like only half an hour to finish the first stage of the process. Sadly, we can only manage to do the first stage since, saponification itself, the actual one that is, requires many different stages ( 20 stages, if i got my facts right. ) and the use of sophisticated machines to make real usable soap. the one we made, im guessing, is not usable.^-^
the first step is mixing the veggie oil, ethanol and KOH or potassium hydroxide, the main ingredient for the making of liquid soap, to get the solution that you see below.
anyhow, we are boiling the mixture using a hotplate, and thats the grey orange thingy that u see under the conical flask.
the next few pictures shown is of the saponification process meaning we were waiting for the solution to precipitate, to become semi solid before we add the NaCl, sodium chloride, which helps to separate the soap from the mixture.
this is where the precipitation is occuring. if you look closely the liquid has changed in state, from liquid to semi-solid
and for this, we have added the NaCl to separate the soap from the liquid. again if you put your face to the screen :),
you can see bits of soap. :)
now back to normal school day.
today's word of the day which was quoted from my dear gf Nana
dun ask me what it means cos i have no clue but it came from the sentence below so try and figure it out aye ;)
"lau jeans cam myra, cuci nanti ketot"
however if you readers still cant guess it, what nana meant to say was the word " kecut" and not "ketot", this all happened just cos Zura had the idea of hiding her hp and thus she become unhinged and stress, and thus nonsensical words came out of her mouth. since today was her day, i wonder who's day will it be tomorrow. i hope its not me

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