Wednesday, 13 February 2008


today is so messed up ppl.... in a good way i mean...
another laugh fest happened during the bridging games for AFS juniors
p.s the class b AFS juniors were so the BIADAB and the gerls were so MENTEL and NGADE2 that we had the laugh fest to control our anger in the first place
( those involved in the laugh fest were me, NR and NA ).

it basically went like this...

stupid comments
lawak bodoh...
stupidly funny behaviour...
us rolling on yhe floor laughing ( this is no joke ppl, cos we reali did laugh till we got into the position of rolling on the floor while laughing ourselves into a fit...)
bitching bout the juniors esp those stupid gerls while their chairman was within earshot, PUH-LEASE!! as if we cared if the chair person heard us or pffft*
took pics and then it was over for the tym being....

while eating at LJS, me and NR made more " lawak bodoh "
then continued that in the bus otw to tampines int..
and somehow alng the way NR said sumtink bout PESTA and this old tv show on suria came to mind
and i went lyk this....
"pesta....pesta...." ( it was damn funny as hell cos NR laughed soo much and i wasnt even trying to make a lame joke, it just came out that way cos i was trying to rmbr the beat to the theme song...

okay tummy hurts soo much for laughing, hard, two days in a row

peace and love ppl =)

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