Wednesday, 5 September 2012


it has been awhile eh. the end of August has been a whirlwind of activities for me. one reason is that i'm celebrating Aidilfitri but the house visits are done, just for me. i only go to houses of people i know cos my parents have way too many friends.

homes of my relatives are done with, well most of them cos i only go visiting when i'm not working. this year won't be able to celebrate Aidilfitri with my girls cos of conflicting schedules. i kinda feel sad but it can't be helped cos work is still important. there is always next year and we can always meet up after the festivities are over.

other than that the lack of updating has been due to me getting addicted with watching Running Man on the web. its just too funny that i don't always have to depend on reading the subs provided, their actions  explains everything. heh.

work has definitely improved and i can't believe I'm actually typing that out. work and improved for me has not belonged in the same sentence for the past 3 years. but i feel the difference now that I'm deployed to cargo clearance.

my love life, i must say it is starting to get exciting again but I'm having mixed feelings this time around.  he is still attached though, not that i care how his r/ship ends up cos i am doing it to serve my own purpose. yes, i'm that selfish when it comes to me.

the fact that my mind is too open about these things scares me sometimes but I'm glad that I'm this way because it has helped in the past.

is it because I'm feeling lonely that I'm doing this or is it because I'm just embracing the fun I'm having right now with my life.

danger excites me but let's hope i know when to stop before it starts to kill me mentally.

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