hello all,
im at my Nyai's house emjoying her company. i always ove to comeover and listen to her talk about anything. 'cos the one thing my Nyai gor perfected was random talk. she can talk about almost anything that comes to her mind. current issues, childhood memories and family.
there is a certain degree of openness when she talks about something. not that you can talk about anything to her, sex is mosdef not one of them. i'd rather have a open a random topic and just listen and try to put in my points. well try to since hse is such a chatterbox at her age.
though there is only one thing that can make me slightly annoyed and that is the fact that she always cooks for me and tries to feed me at least a weeks' amount of food. well okay, not a week lah. that is too much, lets just say alot, she likes to cook ALOT for me.she always say i am skinny and i should eat more. well, she hasn't seen me naked, that would be a shocker for her. hehehs.
but, i shouldn't complain so much. i've always had a soft spot for her cooking and next to my mother's their the best.
i guess when it comes tomy patrenal grandma, food has been a a way for her to shower her love on her grandchildren and i really hope that my children will get to experience it as well.
may both my grandmas live to the ripe old age of 100 and beyond. Amin Ya Rabbal Al-amin