Thursday, 17 February 2011

frustrating much

just when i thought i did the right thing by being difficult. by being pissed off when he suddenly texted me again that we can still meet up but after 8pm. by screwing that up and making him lose his mood.

i thought i would feel somewhat satisfied but here i'm feeling rather guilty. and by doing so i have to swallow my pride, yet again, and call him to apologize. that's if he wants to talk to me.

what am i doing wrong. i know i shouldn't be stressing him 'cos he already is stressed enough without me heaping on him more unwanted stress but i'm just clueless right now. usually i have no problem dealing with our minor setbacks.

maybe february isn't my month. not only am i broke, i'm feeling rather broken hearted too.

i need help. the balance that was present in our relationship is now missing.

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