Monday, 5 October 2009


it's been awhile aye.

i have been busy with work, and socializing with people and strangers. in other words i've been busy celebrating Hari Raya, even though my mood for it was gone weeks ago thanks to petty adults i happen to call my relatives. pfft!

well enough about that, they won't change anyways.

the latest news is that i'll be changing jobs by the end of this month. ICA sent a letter saying that i've got the post as an Home Affairs Specialist. here i was thinking that i screwed up yet another important interview. so i was ecstatically happy when i got the letter.

a lot of people, close friends and family especially, supported and helped me in making my final decision. even Mr Moon was there for me if not physically, i still appreciate that he calls me sometimes. i have a complicated r/ship that way.

whatever is in store for me in the future with ICA i'll be looking forward to it but for now i'm going to try and do my best as a student care teacher. i'll be looking forward to the final days as a student care teacher though the students can kill me with their incessant talking and the giving of inane reasons to get their way. i hope i don't keel over before i get to join ICA. *insertsarcasticfacehere*

i know i'm going to miss my colleagues, they turned out to be fun and friendly. i guess i'm not that good at socializing with strangers anymore, maybe because of reasons in the past. i should try to improve my socializing skills again aye, lest i be called a stuck up snob. hehs

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