Monday, 27 July 2009

normal monday blues

i'm fasting today and will be doing so for the rest of the month, except for thursday since i'll be visiting Cafe 1 with my girls. it's been eons since i step foot in Ite College East's Cafe 1. hee. sungguhlah aku tk sabar.

mother has been nagging at me to payback the days i couldn't fast during fasting month. not only for last year's but also the few years before, which has accumulated to about 70+ days. i have only payed back about a week, still alot more days to go. since i'm still jobless, there'll be no problem fasting.

speaking about being jobless, i still cannot get through to the Health Management Institute. my emails have gone unanswered, my calls have not been answered. mother said that i should just go down to the admissions office but the employment agent at the northwest cdc told me to contact them first because that's how it works. i guess i just have to keep on trying lorh. hmph! damn frustrating y'know.

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