Sunday, 15 March 2009

tag replies

some are very overdue, sorry eh girls.

Deeranae: i can feel your halo , halo , halo . i can see your halo , halo , haloooo you git it ? hehehehehehehee
ya i git it G. tho for you ur halo is at the side of your head, not on top. peace. :p

NADD: baby baby baby!!!! how ya doing,man?!! can't wait to meet you on 22 march!!! heheheheheh!!! can hug you till your boobs pop out from your back. okay, lame. hahaha! ilyddadd!
i hug you the same way later on 22nd march. nnt same2 masok ICU. hahaha. aku lagi lame. ily2!!

shaie: since when myra speaks malay?
shaie: Hehehehe.
sssh!! rahsia lah shaie. tkmu blg org. :p

no comment. :p

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