Friday, 1 July 2011

hello errbody!

it has been such a busy week. i had one of my busiest weekend last week what with me having to attend 2 engagements back to back. one of them was Jessica's, a colleague of mine. her engagement fell on a Saturday, it was our night off, thank god the event started at late afternoon and i had some time to sleep. if not i'll prolly doze off sometime during the event.

the very next day was my best friend's Nana's engagement. i had an extra early day 'cos i had to wake up early and get my medical cert so i can skip work w/o getting into trouble. stayed until evening before gg home with sister. kinda got lost trying to find the bustop and wearing heels was not helping me at all.

other than that, work has been pretty normal.

and im done for today. night shift later and im not looking forward to it.

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