First house of the day, Shaie's house

The Clan at Nadd's house.

us eating mee bakso at nadd's. the first time i ate mee bakso. hehs

beautiful ladies in the beautifully decorated room. :)

on the way to shanaa's house, we took the time to pose in front of NTUC. xp

go figure. hehs
2/3 of the babygirls. =)

Azura, and i thought the camera would be filled with nuruz's face. hehs.
on the way to Nana's house.

to Fadli's house

Fadli's two lovely cats.

from Fadli's house, while taking this picture, the bus we were supposd to take to Mdm Ruhaida's place passed by. pffftt!!

thorn among the roses. heh
in honour of nuruz's pout. xD
the ladies at Mdm Ruhaida's house.

The Clan at Nadd's house.

us eating mee bakso at nadd's. the first time i ate mee bakso. hehs
beautiful ladies in the beautifully decorated room. :)

on the way to shanaa's house, we took the time to pose in front of NTUC. xp
go figure. hehs

Azura, and i thought the camera would be filled with nuruz's face. hehs.

to Fadli's house

Fadli's two lovely cats.

from Fadli's house, while taking this picture, the bus we were supposd to take to Mdm Ruhaida's place passed by. pffftt!!

thorn among the roses. heh

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