Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Nala, Babygirls

as usual, i'm pretty darn lazy when it comes to editing and posting pictures. so here are another batch of overdue pictures from last week and this week. enjoy! heheh

the kitty pimp. xp

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

name change

at school feeling bored.

at Dee's annoying insistence that i name the kitten other than Jj, which by the way sounds gay to her. i agreed to rename her Nala. kinda fitting for her actually, because she's pretty fierce for a small thing. it was either Nala or nyot-nyot and u don't wanna know why Dee wanted to call her that. one reason was, Dee tried to annoy me because who would want to call a cat nyot-nyot, of all names. the other reason, i'll have to go ask Dee.

i'm happy actually, cus' father said we could keep her. though it's more work for me, having to feed and give milk to the kitten, i enjoy it. keeps my mind of certain things.

anywho, the dopegirls are at our crib, though i don't know if their still there or not. hehs. they had a sleepover, watched a horror movie, then they went out to RP freaking early in the morning to camwhore. wished i could join them but since i had school the next day, i forced myself to go to sleep. they of course, stayed up all night.

till then,

Sunday, 26 October 2008

a new addition

father brought home a month old kitten a couple of days ago. he found it near Sinapore Expo. at first father thought it was dead but as father was driving on, it tilted it's head and so father brought it home. I decided to call it Jj since we can't tell it's sex yet. whether it's a female or a male, Jj would be a fine name.

it's so freaking cute, i tell you. i feel like eating it up.

anywho, since it's still a kitten, my family and me made a trip to buy some formulated kitten's milk for it. thou8ghi thought it would be quite cheap. the price for the formula was the equivalent of powdered baby's milk. we also bought some other stuff to help with nursing the kitten.

as i'm typing this Jj is asleep on my lap, fidgeting in it's sleep. so cute lahh!!

i'll post up pictures of Jj soon, well if it can stay still long neough for me to take a decent picture.

Friday, 24 October 2008

It's a Boy/Girl Thing

At Dee's insistence, i watched It's a Boy/Girl Thing. it's a body swapping themed movie. so expect something like Freaky Friday. so it's a ' walk a mile in another's shoe' kinda thing.

but it's a nice movie to watch. with enough humour to keep the movie going. other than that, it's just another teen flick.

Woody and Nell have been next door neighbors since childhood, but couldn’t be any different. He’s a jock, she’s a nerd, she’s graduating to Yale, he’s going to second rate college on football scholarship. Despite being next door neighbors, they couldn’t be any different and neither have any love for each other; in fact the despise one another intensely. But all that is about to change, courtesy of a trip to a local museum, and a run in with a Mayan god of sorcery, which leaves them in a situation where the term “Walk a mile another person’s shoes” soon occurs next morning.

p/s: this movie was screened in 2006

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Secrets of The Effortlessly Thin

I'm sure people who have existing weight issues can use these ten tips. :)

They don't diet

Or at least not in the traditional, all-or-nothing, deprivation sense of the word. "You need to get rid of that diet mentality and realize that what you are doing is making a permanent lifestyle change," says Anne Fletcher, M.S., R.D., author of the Thin for Life book series. She adds, "You do have to cut back on calories if you want to stay thin, but it's about reassessing what you eat and being more sensible in your choices, not about a quick-fix, crazy diet." Research has also shown that thin people tend to have a better quality diet than those who are overweight. They eat more fruits and vegetables and more fiber, and drink more water—all healthy things that provide more food volume for the number of calories.

They keep track of their weight

Thin people know how much they weigh, and they monitor that number by stepping on the scale frequently. It's not about a having an unhealthy fixation on that number on the scale, but it's a way to catch a 5-pound gain before it suddenly turns into a 20-pound gain. "Aim to keep your weight within a five-pound range, and if you see it go above that buffer zone, make sure you have an immediate plan of action for how to address it,"

They exercise regularly

"In my research, 9 out of 10 people who've lost weight and maintained it exercise regularly and make it a critical part of their lives," says Fletcher. Even if you've never been a fitness fanatic, it's not too late to get moving. Even taking a few 15-minute walks throughout the day will be a move in the right direction. Once you start to enjoy the mood-boosting and calorie-burning advantages of exercise, start looking for ways to keep your workouts interesting. Join a local gym and try a variety of classes and cardio machines, find friends to walk with, or experiment with at-home exercise DVDs.

They don't solve problems with food

Almost everyone is guilty of occasionally drowning their sorrows in a pint of Ben & Jerry's or taking out frustration on a batch of brownies, but thin people definitely don't make it a habit. "They tend not to eat purely for emotional reasons," says Fletcher. When you are upset (or bored, lonely, frustrated or angry), she suggests asking yourself: Is food really going to solve the problem, or will it just end up making you feel worse after you finish eating? Chances are, the food won't fix what's bothering you, so it's important to come up with a list of other small pleasures you can turn to instead of food. Some ideas include going for a walk, watching a movie, calling a friend, playing with your kids, or taking a bubble bath.

They stop eating when they're full

Most thin people are not members of the clean-plate club. Instead of mindlessly eating however much they are served, they pay attention to internal hunger cues and satiety. "Thin people are tuned into noticing when they are satisfied, and they stop eating even if there is food left," says Jill Fleming, M.S., R.D., author of Thin People Don't Clean Their Plates (Inspiration Presentations Press, 2005). "They often report that they don't like that feeling of being uncomfortably full, so they've learned how to stop before they reach it."

They don't surround themselves with temptation

Rather than stocking the cupboards with junk food, thin people's kitchens tend to be filled with healthy foods. That doesn't mean you can never have any indulgences in the house, just that you shouldn't have so many that you're likely to overeat them. For example, if you love to bake, give most of your sweets away to friends, or have your kids bring them to school or soccer practice, leaving just a few behind to enjoy yourself.

They allow themselves treats

It's the opposite of the deprivation mentality that many overweight (but dieting) people espouse: Thin people let themselves eat what they crave, sometimes even indulging in a treat every day. "The difference is that they do it consciously, choosing exactly what they really want to eat and then eating slowly and enjoying it," says Fleming. So if it's chocolate you want, don't try to eat around the craving with an array of foods that don't really satisfy you. Instead, allow yourself to have a small but really delicious chocolate bar and put the craving to rest.

They eat breakfast

According to the National Weight Control Registry, which tracks the habits and strategies of more than 5,000 people who have maintained a significant weight loss, nearly 80 percent of these successful losers eat breakfast every single day. And most of their naturally lean counterparts do the same, and make sure that eat within about an hour of waking up. "Breakfast is literally breaking the fast of the night," says Fleming. "Until you send food into your system, your metabolism doesn't really start to kick in."

They move, stand and fidget more

"Thin people are rarely sitting," says Fleming. Beyond their regular fitness routines, they simply move around more—and consequently burn more calories—throughout the day. And a study at the Mayo Clinic confirmed this: Researchers found that on average, a group of lean subjects sat for two hours a day less than the obese subjects, potentially burning up to 350 additional calories

They don't skip meals

There are two problems with skipping meals—and thin people are careful not to fall prey to them. Going more than six hours without food will slow down your metabolism, plus you'll likely get so desperately hungry that you'll grab anything (as opposed to something healthy) and eat too much of it. "Thin people keep their gas tanks [i.e., their stomachs] between one-quarter and three-quarters full all the time," says Fleming. The best way to do that is to eat frequent mini-meals every three to four hours.

So hopefully, i can do something about my water retention problem with these tips. hopefully lah

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Raya Pictures =)

First house of the day, Shaie's house

The Clan at Nadd's house.

us eating mee bakso at nadd's. the first time i ate mee bakso. hehs

beautiful ladies in the beautifully decorated room. :)

on the way to shanaa's house, we took the time to pose in front of NTUC. xp

go figure. hehs

2/3 of the babygirls. =)

Azura, and i thought the camera would be filled with nuruz's face. hehs.

on the way to Nana's house.

to Fadli's house

Fadli's two lovely cats.

from Fadli's house, while taking this picture, the bus we were supposd to take to Mdm Ruhaida's place passed by. pffftt!!

thorn among the roses. heh
in honour of nuruz's pout. xD
the ladies at Mdm Ruhaida's house.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

pillion for the day

as the title suggests, i went home with fir, its my first time riding a bike after a very long time, so there was abit of awkwardness. like i totally forgot how to fasten the helmet strap. which is the easiest thing to do. pfftt!! anyywhoooo, i reached woodlands at precisely 3 in the afternoon. so the journey from school to woodlands was about twenty mins, give or take 5 mins. it was pretty fast for me lah, since riding the bus or mrt home takes twice the time.

however, reaching home soo early made me bored, after an hour at home i had nothing to do. save for nana's logbook which was done in 15 mins. and there is the small pile of maths notes that need to be done, which i have been procrastinating upon since last friday. i should have done it over the weekend because i have a class test to sit for. the first out of two for the six weeks crash course in QC&A (read: Quality Control and Assurance ).

the last semester shouldn't be stressful but since we have to complete QC&A module in six weeks and i have to retake my LM module, means its just another busy semester in campus.

i pray that my babes get their attachment somewhere else other than on campus. they deserve it, and because their results are way better than mine. i scored a pathetic 1.654 gpa. no chance in hell i'll be able to get to polytechnic, let alone dreaming that i'll get that veterinary course. pfft!!

with my luck even republic polytechnic won't admit me.

on a rather delicious sidenote, mother cooked sambal prawn and curry crab.


Saturday, 18 October 2008

pictures :)

the only raya pics i have for now. how sad

Sunday, 5 October 2008

In Loving Memory, Baby-300908

it has been 5 days since i last saw her. i don't even know where she disappeared to or which a**hole took her from right under my nose. she was gone in in a few short minutes. i went back in the house to switch off the desktop and when i went back outside she wasn't there. i called for her like nobody's business. there was no answer.

so i did the last thing i could do, i cried. cried like a baby, whose icecream just went splat on the ground. cried for the whole afternoon. pathetic right. babybro and sister couldn't find her either so i kept on crying.

it was my own carelessness that led to her disappearance. i was so confident that she'd run back in when the lift doors open or when she hears a loud noise like she always does. and whoever found her or which a**hole took her is one lucky person cause i just washed her that day.

she was like a sister to me, feels like i lost an arm or something.

now the house feels so empty. she's the reason i always look forward to coming home. heck , the first thing i do when i reach home is to go get her from their room and bring her into my room for some quality time. she always makes me smile with her loveable antics. she was the one who understands me the most, more than anyone else in the family.

i want to get another cat just to fill that emptiness in the house but my father has forbidden us from getting more cats. what i'd do to have another cat to love like i did Baby.

i just hope if she has already been found, the person will take good care of her. and if she is still outside there, somewhere, i hope she is doing fine.

father said there's very a slim chance for a house cat to survive outside, so in a way she's better off dead, i'm not being mean just being realistic, it's because she was always dependent on me. always waiting for me to feed her, always waiting for me to 'rescue' her when she gets in a jam with the other cats. basically she has always needed me like i have always needed her.

god, how i miss her. if only i could get a cat just like her, if only.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Selamat Hari Raya =)

so Hari Raya has finally arrived.

on the first day, my family usually goes to my Nyai's house first then to my Nenek's house over at CCK.

the routine has always been like that, father and babybro will go to the mosque to have their hari raya prayers and mother, sister and me will head on over to Nyai's house and wait for father and babybro and the rest of my relatives to arrive. my relatives from K.l would have already arrived.
and as usual, Nyai's house would be a buzz with activity. my Nyai likes to cook for us and her dishes are always nice, so the kitchen was kept busy with everyone going in and out with trays of food to be set up on the table outside.

i should stop talking about the preparation and just show you the picturs taken. ^^,
the camera only went snapping at my nyai's house. i was asleep at my Nenek's house thus no pictures there. heh


my aunt from K.L

me, adyn and ajan =), fave cousins on father's side

that's all,
i actually have no mood to celebrate this year, only because my Babylove dissapeared the day before raya. i hope she is okay.