Monday, 31 January 2011
Christina Aguilera is Awesome
thanks to my colleague who played the Burlesque soundtrack on repeat on her phone yesterday night, all the songs got stuck in my head again and i dreamt i was a burlesque dancer. feeling-feeling lah sangat.
anyways the songs she performed in Burlesque are reminiscent of her Baby Jane days. don't get what i mean, here's a video to show that she was made for the role of Ali. well at least something similar that is. :)
here's another since i'm so hooked on her :)
Sunday, 30 January 2011
raindrops on my window
it's been chilly since late morning on account of the non-stop bouts of rain and in between drizzles but all's good since i've spent most of my afternoon in bed with a good book and a hot cup of tea. hot chocolate ran out so i had to make do with the tea.
nothing much happened except for the weather.
parent's are out visiting someone and i've yet to get ready for my night shift which is in two hours. i do hope that the rain will cause everyone in singapore not to go across the causeway. would definitely make work that much easier. however, i highly doubt so since CNY is around the corner.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Just another reason why i love P!nk's music so much. she's always composing songs about how unfair life is and how we should overcome it on our terms.
I hope she never stops composing songs like this ever.
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Sister's 19th Birthday

the initial plan was to bring sister dear out to Night Safari since she hasn't been there before and to have my family prepare the birthday cards, gifts and the cake in time for our return back home.
Since she has already paid for her bike prac yesterday, Syasya and me decided to bring her out to dinner and follow through with the surprise when she returned home from the bike prac with her boyfriend. birthday dinner was at Swensens and when she took her leave for SSDC, Syasya and me walked around abit before heading home. we bought the birthday girl bubble tea since we didn't know that my parents were going to buy KFC for her. so we ended up with a bucket full of chicken and loads of drinks prepared for her surprise.
pictures and a video were taken yesterday and so i'll let the pictures and the video do the talking once they're uploaded.
As for the Juicy Couture label up there, it's of one of the gifts i bought her. couldn't get the actual picture of the gift online so i settled for the label instead. The other gift was from Body Shop.
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Dad's 47th Birthday
The family celebrated dad's advanced birthday yesterday night 'cos i was not sure if everybody was going to be home today and i was right. i'm having my night shift tonight anyways so it was a good idea to celebrate it yesterday.
we bought him chocolate cake, canadian pizza and made drinks for the so called party food. the card and the present we finished preparing two hours before, so it was all rushed but we pulled it off. yeay us!
thankfully, dad fell asleep when we left the house to get the party food and he was still asleep when we returned and rushed about getting everything ready. i think we managed to get everything settled in ten - fifteen minutes. we made mom do the job of waking dad up from his slumber.
she managed to do it with the excuse of someone wanting to see him and was he surprised when he saw the setup upon leaving the master bedroom to get to the door. we sang him a birthday song. we took pictures. he blew out the candles. read the birthday card. took some more pictures. opened his birthday present, we got him Doctor Martens' boots, he said thank you to all of us and we cut the cake and enjoyed the food.
it was nothing grand just a small close knit celebration. i suppose these are the kind that really matters to my family. it doesn't have to be grand at all but it's the thought and the people that surround you that matters.
once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!
i guess i flipped a bit too much
the previous post was kinda uncalled for i guess now that i've read it again. my excuse was the person pissed me off. i still have every right to be pissed anyways. but everything's been settled though i don't think our working r/ship would ever be the same.
never knew i could be that vindictive but there's always a first time for everything. heh
Thursday, 20 January 2011
you should learn never to make promises to people
I rarely make promises, in fact i hate making promises 'cos i know i'll never be able to live up to the promise. only when i feel like i can, then will i make a promise and KEEP it. i don't take promises lightly and i hate it when others do.
Don't be in my face needing something and then saying over and over again that you promise this and promise that. When it comes to lending people money when they need it. i always give, if its within my means that is, with no questions asked and i don't mind it at all if said person isn't able to pay me on time or pay me at all. that obviously means that the person is in a dire financial situation.
for me whatever money i lend to someone i will tend to halalkan it 'cos i know i will forget it in the next few weeks. and so far no one has made me feel so dumb. until now.
once you say "i promise", i seriously can't help but to remember what you owe me. and now it's been two months and when i ask for it you said yes, at first and then i get a freaking message saying that you need the money more. now, i'm sounding like a vindictive bitch on my blog 'cos i'm blogging about how you've pissed me off over something that should have been insignificant to me if you hadn't said "i promise". if only you hadn't said those two words.
i always try to be transparent and genuine when it comes to this affair with lending people my money, totally no obligations if you can't pay me but i just can't hear those two words. i take my promises seriously. you might have just ruined our working r/ship.
just another reason that i'll add to my 'why i don't like going to work' list.
oh yeah, i watched Burlesque again yesterday :/
Monday, 17 January 2011

It did not disappoint. The set, the costumes, the dance and song numbers, especially the last number of the movie was spectacular. Christina's vocals were, are always amazing. Her acting skills, were surprisingly up to chops with the movie. The rest of the cast were damn good too.
Oh, and Cam Gigandet was damn sexayye in the movie. There is the one scene where we had a good view of his butt, his very cute sexy butt. I like.
Anyways, it's a must watch for fans of Christina 'cos the movie just shows you how talented she is. She prolly is the most talented and successful alumni of the long defunct Mickey Mouse Club.
I adore her!
Friday, 14 January 2011
random talks over hot chocolate
Met Khai yesterday after work. it was an awesome afternoon spent with her.
the meeting time was at 5pm but there is always some random event that will make her late, always. this time around she had a fight with a random malay guy while waiting for the train to meet me. after that all went smooth sailing for us, well as smooth as it can get when we're together.
we talked about almost anything and everything, bitched about anything and everything that caught our eyes. well the bitching came from me most of the time 'cos i'm always the one who happens to be the one who will see something worth bitching about.
well you won't understand what i'm talking about until you go on a date with us and just observe our interaction.
that's about it i guess, i have to get myself ready for night shift.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
bucket list thingies
hello people,
it's a cold Tuesday afternoon. been waiting for the thunderstorm to begin since i ended my classification practice shoot just now. i failed miserably by the way. if it were the actual test shoot, i might have to return my arms card. anyways, it's been long since i had the time to actually enjoy a good thunderstorm, with a good book on my bed while listening to the staccato beats of thunder and lightning coming within seconds of each other. well that's me, i just love me a good thunderstorm.
i'm always blogging out topic. was supposed to start with how i was suddenly thinking of my bucket list during my shoot. i suppose that's why i failed since my mind was not where it was supposed to be.
anyways, here it is my bucket list.
1) Go bungee jumping.
2) Go sky diving
3) Scuba dive in Hawaii
4) LASIK Eye Surgery
5) Backpack across the world
6) Buy myself a Mini Cooper
7) Buy myself a Ducati
8) Dye my hair a deep, deep red with violet highlights
that's about it for the moment, it's not in any particular order since i typed it as i remember.
okay, bye!
Saturday, 8 January 2011
i have been surfing youtube for the past hour watching random videos and i came across the latest JoJo music video. osh it's been so long since she released a new album and i must say she has matured much in her latest video. she sounds different and she looks way too damn beautiful with her gorgeous black locks.
a singer with looks and talent, you don't get a lot of them like JoJo. damn, i miss watching her perform.
okay here are two videos. one of her performing with Timbaland, live and another from her latest album. i do't if it's released yet though.
Friday, 7 January 2011
the past few days....
...has been pretty normal. the all familiar pattern of wake-up - work - home- eat - sleep. nothing unusual. well, maybe my working life s changing a bit or at least i feel it's changing a tiny bit. just found out that one of my neighbours has just got posted to WCP. funny thing is that i've never seen him before when in fact both of us have lived in the same block of flats for the past 15 years. i'm pathetic.
i have already done reading it hours after i bought it since i'm such a freak reader and i must say i'm not disappointed at all. the series gets better and better. almost reaching it's climax i think. anywho, the next book, which will prolly be the last title in the series, will be out come November 2011. oh, the title of the book is Destined. i'm putting really high expectations on this coming book in the series.i hope it doesn't disappoint 'cos it's predecessors did well.
anyways, i just coped me the latest title from the HON series, Awakened. :)
i have already done reading it hours after i bought it since i'm such a freak reader and i must say i'm not disappointed at all. the series gets better and better. almost reaching it's climax i think. anywho, the next book, which will prolly be the last title in the series, will be out come November 2011. oh, the title of the book is Destined. i'm putting really high expectations on this coming book in the series.i hope it doesn't disappoint 'cos it's predecessors did well.
well i'm still looking for new titles and new series to get my hands on. i think i'd prolly stick to the same genre of books 'cos ALL of my books are the same genre ad concept. thanks to the Twilight Saga, all my titles have to do with myths, legends, witchcraft and fantasy. i really let my imagination run wild when i'm reading my books.
and if anyone of the series get turned into a movie i'm hoping it will be the Wicked Series. the content is just AWESOME. the author is just AWESOME. the series is just SO AWESOME!
okay, i'm done :)
Monday, 3 January 2011
i'm feeling rather frustrated
it's been, i think, two weeks since he last contacted me, properly. i wonder if he finally got himself employed, kinda feel that as long as he is unemployed, he will continue to feel stressed out and he'll not feel like calling anyone. thankfully i understand how he feels, especially since both of us are firstborn. the responsibility towards your family is greater. and thankfully, I'm a great girlfriend. yeah, I'm entitled to some bragging rights when it comes to my love life 'cos god knows how much I've gone through with him.
the new year at work started off on an awfully suck-ish note. HR really treats officers on contact like crap. i only got EIGHT freaking vacation leave days this year. just EIGHT. even with the four days brought over from last year is not enough for me. since I've already used up two of the previous four days and i end up with a total of TEN day of vacation leave left. fourteen days was just enough, just only. what holidays can i plan with only TEN?
i asked my team leader and he said to check with admin. i don't really like the admin people at work so i checked with one of my mentors and a couple of colleagues.
apparently, only when i recontract with them, my contract ends late October by the way, will they give me the remaining SIX days. i guess there is some hidden logic behind what they are doing but they could have at least told us. we're the ones working our ass off every single day dealing with the public's shitass attitude. i wouldn't be feeling frustrated if they could take the time to explain rather than us finding out on our own. i feel like a pack mule.
there were a lot of trips i wanted to make this year, overseas trips. i already had to forgo the KL trip with my parents 'cos my sister has already started making plans for Australia and if i don't go she can't go. 'sides I've already made up my mind to go with her. the trip with my babygirls i might have to miss again 'cos i don't know yet how many of my vacation leave days will be used for the Australia trip.
well, hope everything works out this year.
Saturday, 1 January 2011
NYE Post
another unplanned post or rather just typing straight from my head.
NYE this year was pretty laid back on account that i was rather pissed with a couple of friends for not making good on their promise of a night out. Plan B, as in boyfriend didn't work out either 'cos i didn't receive a single text msg from him saying if he wanted to go out or not. and so i ended up going with sister and syasya to the 24/7 Starbucks over at Yishun.
spent the new year morning ovcr at yishun in between bouts of sleepiness and random talk. it was my night off from work for the NYE so i thought i got more than enough sleep during the afternoon. turns out i was wrong, must be the contacts 'cos i sure did drink a lot of coffee.
we stayed at Starbucks until about 3am, then we moved over to Mac's which was a few feet away ordered a large fries and waited for breakfast menu to be served at the counter.
of course pictures were taken, two vids of syasya and me lipsynching to 2 songs over at Mac's can't remember what song exactly 'cos at around 4am we all started to lose it. prolly i will want to upload those 2 vids on my facebook profile.
well during the first few hours of 2011 we made plans. future outings and holidays looking forward to a few of them. we had our random moments like our first swear word, our first gossip our first middle finger, you get the gist of it right, just listing all the firsts for 2011.
like i said this new year was very laid back despite all the planning from different parties i ended up in yishun. an epic fail for the end of 2010 which got me rather pissed.
ohwells, cheers to 2011!
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